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21 <br /> 1 Bonnie Hammersley said staff was unable to find anything. She said there were only <br /> 2 construction standards. <br /> 3 Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Clerk's staff could research this. <br /> 4 Commissioner Jacobs said he will not vote in favor of these changes, as the BOCC has <br /> 5 received very little information about them. He said it is $70 million, and the plans have barely <br /> 6 been run by the BOCC. He said this is not consistent with past BOCC policies, and he feels the <br /> 7 Board is not being a responsible steward in allocating money without reviewing the details of <br /> 8 the plans. <br /> 9 Commissioner Burroughs said the planning for these projects has been going on in a <br /> 10 public manner for five years, and there are two elected school boards who have done their due <br /> 11 diligence. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Orange County Schools (OCS) — Dr. Todd Wirt <br /> 14 Todd Wirt gave a brief description of the planned use of the Orange Charter School <br /> 15 (920 Corporate Drive) as an OCS facility. He said the classroom wing addition will be removed <br /> 16 at Cedar Ridge High School from the CIP, but will go on through school construction impact <br /> 17 fees. He highlighted the following uses for the Orange Charter School facility: <br /> 18 • Building 1 <br /> 19 o One stop shop for parents for services (nutrition, after school, translation, etc.) <br /> 20 • Building 2 <br /> 21 o Blended learning academy (online and face-to-face education) <br /> 22 o Flexible learning sites <br /> 23 o Possible partnership with Durham Tech <br /> 24 o Evening academy <br /> 25 o Science lab for hands-on enrichment to an online science course <br /> 26 o Project and collaboration rooms <br /> 27 o Fitness area <br /> 28 o Café <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Todd Wirt said there are other programs like this around the country, and he was a part <br /> 31 of developing one at his previous district. He said they have been successful in other parts of <br /> 32 the country. He said some other implications for existing facilities would be that the annex <br /> 33 currently houses the curriculum and instruction department, and it would be proposed that the <br /> 34 Information and Technology department move to the annex. He said this would move <br /> 35 technology out of Orange High School. He said the existing partnership academy could be <br /> 36 narrowed and be more focused on an alternative to both short and long term suspension. He <br /> 37 said there has been discussion about a possible site for Boomerang in Hillsborough, which <br /> 38 could be a part of this as well. <br /> 39 Todd Wirt said removing the technology from Orange High does not allow for a great <br /> 40 deal of additional capacity, but it could house the hands on portion of the new fire tech academy <br /> 41 that OCS will begin at the high school in the next school year. <br /> 42 Commissioner McKee asked if CHCCS is picking up an equal cost for the transportation <br /> 43 facility through funding venues outside of the bond monies. <br /> 44 Pam Jones, Deputy Superintendent, said it is not an equal amount of funding since OCS <br /> 45 is the lead LEA that is responsible. She said the BOCC gave an older facilities assessment for <br /> 46 five years, and that money would be dedicated by CHCCS for this project. She said this is in <br /> 47 the fifth year of the bond, allowing time to accumulate the necessary capital. <br /> 48 Commissioner Rich recommended that the school boards contact legislators about the <br /> 49 impact fees, and how any change to them could affect schools. <br />