Agenda - 04-18-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-18-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-18-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
4/18/2017 7:27:45 AM
Creation date
4/18/2017 7:25:55 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes 04-18-2017
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18 <br /> 1 accessible, and already has water and sewer, etc. He said he would like to know cost <br /> 2 estimates for such an option. <br /> 3 Commissioner McKee said this project has run away, and originally a renovation of a <br /> 4 structurally sound building was the only option being considered. He said the vision has gotten <br /> 5 lost along the way. He said the current building is dated but usable, and he does not buy the <br /> 6 long hallway being inadequate. He said there are schools that are just as old as this building. <br /> 7 He said it is a residential neighborhood, but there is also a commercial strip on this portion of <br /> 8 Revere Road and it is a mixed-use area. <br /> 9 Commissioner McKee said the intersection of Highways 57 and 86 is very congested in <br /> 10 the morning, and he does not like this option. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee said he is open to discussion to build a new site along the 70 <br /> 12 corridor, but acknowledged that this would cost well over$7 million. He said there are higher <br /> 13 and better uses for those funds in many other areas of the County. <br /> 14 Commissioner Price said she agreed with previous comments, and she is not in favor of <br /> 15 the Torain Street site. She said the current site can be reworked, but she is open to a plan on <br /> 16 highway 70. <br /> 17 Commissioner Burroughs said major renovations on Revere Road would not be perfect <br /> 18 but would be workable, and there are limited capital funds at this point. She said her first <br /> 19 instinct is to do a conservative renovation and save some money. She is unsure if that site <br /> 20 would work for affordable housing. <br /> 21 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the proposed $7 million cost for a project on highway <br /> 22 70 would include proceeds if the Revere Road site sold for$2 million. <br /> 23 Commissioner McKee said he used the figures from option 2b. He said affordable <br /> 24 housing always seem to require the County to donate the property, in order to make the project <br /> 25 more affordable. He is unsure that there would be profit from using the Revere Road site for <br /> 26 affordable housing. <br /> 27 Commissioner Marcoplos said there are persuasive arguments for renovating the <br /> 28 existing building, despite how ugly it is. He said he thinks the option for creating affordable <br /> 29 housing is a viable one, but he understands the financial rationale behind renovating the current <br /> 30 EAC. <br /> 31 Commissioner McKee said he agrees with Commissioner Marcoplos that it is nice to <br /> 32 think about a new building, but driving a used car, for the next few years, may be wiser than <br /> 33 driving a new one. He said from the perspective of those who use the current building, it is not <br /> 34 well laid out but the building itself is workable. He said he has never heard complaints from the <br /> 35 staff that work there. <br /> 36 Commissioner Rich asked if the turn around issues in the parking lot will be addressed, <br /> 37 should the plan to renovate the existing site move forward. <br /> 38 Kristin Hess said the majority of the money will be spent on the building, and as little as <br /> 39 possible on the outer site. She said the lot may be re-surfaced. <br /> 40 Jeff Thompson said the lot does need to be re-surfaced. <br /> 41 Kristin Hess said some of the utilities need to be upgraded, and sprinklers will need to <br /> 42 be added to the building. She said there is too much impervious surface on this site. <br /> 43 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if daylighting baffles could be brought in on the roof, as <br /> 44 well as varying the ceiling height. <br /> 45 Kristin Hess said this is a good strategy, but it is more expensive to do this, and would <br /> 46 increase the current cost estimates. <br /> 47 Commissioner Marcoplos said it would be worth the investment as employees have <br /> 48 better work product when there is daylight. <br /> 49 Commissioner Jacobs said whenever the Board votes, he hopes it leaves room for <br /> 50 recommendations that were proposed by the citizen group in the early 2000s. <br />
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