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17 <br /> 1 3.) Build New Site: explore and recommend to the BOCC other sites for development on <br /> 2 the northen periphery of Hillsborough for either and EAC site or a collocated EAC/Parks <br /> 3 operations space site. <br /> 4 • Additional CIP funds required: similar to 2a/2b plus land acquisition cost. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 QUESTION AND ANSWER <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Commissioner Jacobs referred to option 2, and asked what is currently on the site. <br /> 9 Jeff Thompson said scrub pines and some hardwoods that could be protected. <br /> 10 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the possibility of turning the Revere Road site into <br /> 11 multiple affordable housing units has been discussed. <br /> 12 Chair Dorosin said many have suggested it. <br /> 13 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is a cost figure. <br /> 14 Jeff Thompson said no, but there is water and sewer on this property. <br /> 15 Commissioner Price said this is a mixed-use area in and around the Revere Road site, <br /> 16 and asked if the zoning could be identified. <br /> 17 Jeff Thompson said it is currently zoned retail and commercial, and re-zoning would <br /> 18 have to be worked on with the Town of Hillsborough in order to build residential. <br /> 19 Commissioner Price said she is not seeing the inadequacies of the site that are being <br /> 20 suggested. <br /> 21 Kristin Hess said the site and space are limiting and challenging. She said it is difficult <br /> 22 to maneuver large vehicles through the property, and some areas are cut off and thus feel <br /> 23 unsafe. <br /> 24 Commissioner Price asked if this site compares well to the Torain Street site. <br /> 25 Jeff Thomspon said there is a lot of maneuverability around that site, but it has been <br /> 26 noted that it is not a through street. <br /> 27 Kristin Hess said the current site feels like trying to fit 10 pounds of potatoes into a 5- <br /> 28 pound bag. <br /> 29 Kristin Hess said the shell part does not give you more space on the site, because it is <br /> 30 not being torn down. <br /> 31 Commissioner Price said she finds it confusing that the space is limiting, yet not all the <br /> 32 space is needed. <br /> 33 Kristin Hess said there is more building than is needed, but there is not enough of the <br /> 34 actual site. She said the site has odd pockets that make it tough, but some of the buildings <br /> 35 could be torn down to make some more room. <br /> 36 Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the idea of affordable housing on the Revere Road <br /> 37 site. He said it looks like 14 units could be built in the existing space, with room for some <br /> 38 smaller homes around the outside. <br /> 39 Chair Dorosin referred to the overhead view of the current site, and said there is a <br /> 40 wooded area to the west. He asked if someone else owns this land, or if it is a right of way. <br /> 41 Jeff Thompson said this is not County property, and is owned by the Home Owners <br /> 42 Association of the neighboring development. <br /> 43 Chair Dorosin it may be worth looking into the purchase of this piece of land. <br /> 44 Commissioner Jacobs said the Torain Road site is his least favorite, and it suggests two <br /> 45 principles that should be avoided in the future: the Greenfield development, and failing to take <br /> 46 traffic considerations into account. He said traffic in this area is terrible. <br /> 47 Commissioner Jacobs said he is inclined by cost to stay at Revere Road, and if it were <br /> 48 used for affordable housing he would like the money for the property, as he is most in favor of a <br /> 49 Highway 70 site. He said there is a desire for economic development on the Cornelius Street <br /> 50 corridor, and this would be a perfect opportunity. He said this would be readily visible, easily <br />