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2 <br /> approved a memorandum of understanding in December to work with GoTriangle to identify <br /> alternative funding sources. The Board also directed the County Manager to engage a <br /> consultant to conduct an independent review of the financial model for the light rail project. <br /> Later in December, GoTriangle reported project financing would be restructured to prevent the <br /> need for any additional local funds to support the project in a base case scenario. <br /> In February 2017, GoTriangle received direction from the Federal Transit Administration that <br /> prescribed an April 30 deadline for updating the Orange County Transit Plan and the Cost <br /> Sharing Agreement between Orange and Durham counties. During this time, GoTriangle also <br /> created a new financial model that delineates revenue, expenditure, debt service coverage and <br /> cash flow by county. The model also allows the counties to evaluate different cost share <br /> scenarios between Durham and Orange County for the D-O LRT project. The new financial <br /> model revealed that the dedicated Orange County transit revenues could not support the light <br /> rail cost share percentages contained in the 2012 Bus and Rail Investment Plan. As a result of <br /> the new financial information and changes to the project scope, Durham and Orange counties <br /> are in the process of renegotiating the cost share agreement that defines the financial <br /> responsibilities of each County. <br /> On April 4, 2017 the Board of Orange County Commissioners received a report on the <br /> independent financial analysis conducted by Davenport & Company. The presentation clarified <br /> the total cost of the project, financing mechanisms, and potential financial risks including credit, <br /> cash flow, and any potential budget implications. The presentation also highlighted significant <br /> project funding milestones if the project is approved to move forward including approval of State <br /> funds in June of 2019 and a Federal full funding grant agreement in early 2020. <br /> Since these external funding commitments have not been secured, the draft Cost Share <br /> Agreement includes provisions that would trigger discussions about the future of the project if <br /> external revenues do not materialize or are reduced in an amount that would require additional <br /> local funding. If these external funding reductions were to occur, the Agreement would require <br /> the counties to meet to discuss responses which would include modifications to the schedule, <br /> reductions in the scope, or discontinuation of the project. The same response would be <br /> triggered if the project experiences cost overruns or if transit taxes and fees do not yield the <br /> amount of revenues projected in the Plan. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Transit Plan governs the allocation of transit taxes and fees in <br /> Orange County. Through the term of the Plan (2045), Orange County is projected to generate <br /> approximately $452 million in dedicated transit revenues. The presentation is intended to inform <br /> the Board's decisions on how those funds should be allocated across transit services. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br /> to this agenda item: Public Transportation provides opportunity for access to jobs and services <br /> to many individuals. <br /> • GOAL: FOSTER A COMMUNITY CULTURE THAT REJECTS OPPRESSION AND <br /> INEQUITY <br /> The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race or color; <br /> religious or philosophical beliefs; sex, gender or sexual orientation; national origin or <br /> ethnic background; age; military service; disability; and familial, residential or economic <br /> status. <br />