Orange County NC Website
r-s E, <br /> oiu <br /> k <br /> Where existing developments exist, are <br /> proposed and areviously.approved-devel- <br /> onments are (in progress, which are of <br /> nature substantially in accord with the <br /> intent. of these regulations they may be <br /> rezoned to PD-OI status, and shall there- <br /> after be subject to the regulations and <br /> requirements for such districts) . <br /> = <br /> It is the intent of these regulations. to. <br /> provide for development of such districts <br /> at locations appropriate- is terns- of the <br /> Land Use Plan and the Orange County .. <br /> Thoroughfare Plan and in accord with <br /> standards set fore herein.. <br /> It is further intended that PD-OI devel- <br /> opment shall be scaled, balanced and. <br /> located, to reduce general traffic con- <br /> gestion- by providing employment to <br /> close to principal places or residence, <br /> and convenient pedestrian <br /> systems and. mass transit devices to <br /> Further reduce need for ori.vate auto- <br /> mobiles. <br /> Within such districts, it is intended <br /> that uses shall be aaanged. horizon,- <br /> and vertically: (:. <br /> I- That major vehicular. flows. and other <br /> disaui.etin,g influences be so san- <br /> arated.. from res.identi a T areas as <br /> to protect orivacv and ea ui?*-ty; <br /> l_ that ge_ner._l commercial and ser7-ice <br /> uses be corscent,ratad. for maximum <br /> pedestrian convenience and located <br /> for easy accessibility by workers <br /> and visitors a. vi..'ic by mass <br /> transit;- and <br /> -there such districts adjoins. resi- <br /> dential neighborhoods, it is in- <br /> tended that arrangement of bu.i.ld- <br /> ings, uses, cpen. space and vehi- <br /> cular access be such as to pro- <br /> vide app:cer'iate transition and <br /> reduce 3otaritially adverse effects_ <br /> C <br />