Orange County NC Website
The Board recessed for lunch and resumed deliberations with all members present. <br /> D-8 Re.uest to Close A Portion of Old Cedar Grove Road <br /> Attorney Mike Parker, representing Mr. Joseph W. Garrett, Petitioner, described <br /> • to the Board the portion of Old Cedar Grove Road that is abandoned. Commissioner <br /> • Walker moved to schedule a Public Hearing on the intent to close the abandoned <br /> . portion of Old Cedar Grove Road for May 2, 1983 at 10:00 a.m., seconded by <br /> • Commissioner Lloyd. VOTE: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> • <br /> ;• D-6 Joint Planning Agreement <br /> It is the recommendation and Motion of Commissioner Wilihoit to adopt the <br /> • Joint Planning Agreement (See pages ..g" €: this book for Joint Planning Agreement) <br /> • in principle with two modifications, seconded by Commissioner Marshall: One to <br /> • include OWASA as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Joint Planning Committee; <br /> • and change the courtesy review to joint approval by the County and Town(s) in the <br /> • Joint Planning Agreement. <br /> Commissioner Walker moved a substitute Motion to exclude theiseccind modification, <br /> seconded by Commissioner Lloyd. VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Commissioners Lloyd and Walker); <br /> • noes, 3 (Commissioners Marshall, Whitted, Willhoit). <br /> Commissioners Whitted restated Commissioner Willhoit's original Motion. <br /> ?. VOTE: Ayes, 3 (Commissioners Marshall, Whitted and Willhoit); noes, 2 (Commissioners <br /> 3. Lloyd and Walker). <br /> Commissioner Willhoit moved the Joint Planning Agreement be modified to <br /> • reflect the current wording of the County Zoning Ordinance, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Marshall. VOTE: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> 1. D--7 Court Facilities <br /> Mr. Thompson, County Manager summarized the three recommendations for expansion <br /> of County provided Court facilities. They are as follow: <br /> 1. Agree to plan now for the eventual building of a Courthouse Annex and <br /> 1. consider a timetable and amount to be annually set aside per year for the construction <br /> 2. 2. Approve renovation of the Old Courthouse as an interim measure for <br /> 3. court's use. <br /> ({. <br /> 3. Authorize County Manager to secure technical assistance to develop a <br /> 5. construction plan and budget for the renovation -- meeting conditions worked out <br /> 6. with the Town of Hillsborough and the North Carolina Department of Archives. <br /> 7. Judge Battle was present and stated he is in agreement with County Manager's <br /> 8. recommendations and would like for the Board to consider building a Courthouse <br /> >q• Annex to meet future needs of the Court. <br /> 0. <br />