Agenda - 03-15-1983
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-15-1983
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Last modified
4/11/2017 4:19:38 PM
Creation date
4/11/2017 11:39:42 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes - 19830315
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1980's\1983
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1. - ) c.. <br /> if k <br /> 2. <br /> 3. the report does a good job of translating water quality Variables into zoning <br /> 4• ordinance concepts but that there are two contradictions with the County's Water <br /> 5• Resources Task Force's adopted recommendations: 1) the clustering concept presumes <br /> b• extension of sewer lines into the watershed. The County has adopted a policy of <br /> 7. extension into the watersheds only under emergency conditions. 2) The Carrboro <br /> 8. proposal would provide for industrial development in the watershed, The County's <br /> 90 policy is to prohibit industrial development in University Lake and Cane Creek <br /> 10. watersheds. Commissioner Willhoit continued his motion saying, that the joint <br /> 11. planning process could be u?ed to identify areas outside Carrboro's watershed for <br /> 12. industrial development and to encourage Carrboro's participation in joint planning. <br /> 1i• Alderman White said Carrboro feels that industrial development carefully <br /> 12. planned could occur within the watershed without harming water quality, Alder- <br /> 13. man White told the Board that even if the County helped identify areas far <br /> 14, Carrboro's industrial development outside the watershed he would still favor <br /> 15. such development within the watershed. <br /> 16. Commissioner Lloyd said he agreed with Alderman White: that economic <br /> 1,7. development can occur within watersheds with protection; and extension of water <br /> 18. and sewer lines into the watersheds where ever necessary. <br /> 19. Commissioner Willhoit said that extension of water and sewer lines encouraged <br /> 20. higher density development than might otherwise occur; the non-point source <br /> 21. runoff is related to the intensity of development and impermeable surfaces, <br /> 22. 'which go hand in hand." Commissioner Lloyd disagreed 'with that concept." <br /> 23. Vote: Ayes, 3 (Cciunissioners Marshall, Whitted and W.illholt); noes, 2 <br /> 24. (Commissioners Lloyd and Walker). <br /> 25. 6. Economic Development Commission n Candidates Questions: The Board <br /> 26. approved, by consensus, the questions submitted by the Manager. The Board <br /> 27. further agreed by consensus to interview four candidates each an April 5th <br /> 28. and April 19th. <br /> 29. 7. Board of Equalization and Review: Ccmissioner Willhoit nominated <br /> 30. lk der; Commissioner Lloyd nominated Tyson Clayton and Commissioner <br /> 31.. Marshall nominated Elizabeth.Walters. t:o the Board of Equalization and Review. <br /> 32. Commissioner Walker moved, seconed by C ssioner Whitted, to close the nordnations <br /> 33. and to appoint those three members. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 3j1.• Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to appoint <br /> 35. Mr. Heffner Clair of that Board. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 36„ Crrrmi-ssi:oner Wiliholt moved, secondedby Commissioner Whitted, to set the <br /> 37, per diem at $50.00 <br /> 38. <br />
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