Orange County NC Website
Douse Numbering --2- C February 2, 1983 01 <br /> The system existing within the county is very similar to that used in <br /> a more urban area . It works well except when certain sections begin <br /> to develop densely . To insure a more or less equal distribution of <br /> mail by rural rdute carriers , it often becomes necessary to create <br /> new routes . Thisi is the situation which has occurred in the southern <br /> portion of the ounty, and, according to Mr . Sharp, is about to occur <br /> near Hillsborou, h. This occurrence is not unusual even in urban settings - <br /> where vacant land is developed at high densities and the original <br /> numbering sequence did not take this into account. Changes to the system <br /> are inevidable and can occur on a block, route or even county level . <br /> Road Naming AdvJsory. Committee Efforts <br /> Keith Rosemond jf the Planning Department staff served as resource <br /> person for this information. In February of 1580, while the Committee " <br /> was functioning, Jim Polatty. and Keith discussed the idea of house <br /> numbering, count -wide. Jim discussed the idea with the former County <br /> Manager Sam Gattis and received approval to see if something could be <br /> developed.. <br /> The county was civided into a grid with N.C. Highway 86 and Wilkerson <br /> Road forming the north-south line, and U.S . Highway 70 and St. Mary 's _ <br /> Road forming th a east-west dividing line. These roads were designated <br /> the "base" road from which the numbering system radiated outward. <br /> Roads were designated as East Lebanon Road or West Lebanon Road, etc . <br /> Block numbers were then assigned such as the 100 block of West Lebanon <br /> Road. The assignment of the block numbers always began with "100" being <br /> closest to the "base': road. Finally, each block was delineated on a <br /> county tax map and that section of road marked off in 25-foot increments <br /> for ,purposes of 'assigning individual house numbers . ` <br /> This was as far as the house numbering effort was taken. The staff did <br /> have block numbers placed on most of the road signs, but because the <br /> effort was discdnti,nued, more re"cent1y installed signs do not have such <br /> numbers . The primary reason for discontinuing efforts on the house <br /> numbering system was time constraints which the staff faced . <br /> General Considerations - County-wide System <br /> Discussions with postal officials indicated that they are in favor of <br /> a uniform house numbering system for the county. They did indicate their <br /> willingness to rovide assistance, but such help would not be either <br /> financial or manpower oriented. They also indicated that such an effort <br /> would be very tilme consuming and should be approached as a long-range <br /> project lasting several years . Once established on paper, actual implemen- <br /> tation would result in numerous complaints similar to those occurring <br /> now in the southern portion of the county . - <br /> If an effort is to be made in this area, several items must be taken <br /> into consideration. These include: <br /> . 1 . The need for accurate aerial photographs to assist in identifying <br /> dwelling unit locations . The Tax Department has indicated a need <br /> for such maps as, part of the Land Records System. Tax maps in <br /> an aerial photograph/property line format would greatly assist. <br />