Orange County NC Website
.i. t , • 1: <br /> I_l1T}1E JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. <br /> 003 <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEERS <br /> 100 HAYES BUILDING,GLEN LENNOX CENTER,CHAPEL HILL <br /> P.O.SOX 2896, CHAPEL HILL_NORTH CAROLINA 27514 (919)96777079 <br /> March 9, 1983 <br /> Mr. Albert Kittre.11 <br /> Orange Cot4nty Community Development Director <br /> 106 East Margaret Lane <br /> Hillsboro Ugh, North Carolina 27278 <br /> Re: Nord ern Fairview C.D. Street Improvements <br /> OCO 8001 <br /> Dear Mr. ittrell: <br /> This lett]r is written to clarify the need for an increase (of about <br /> $2400) inithe budget amount for the relocation of the power pbies in <br /> conjunction with the street improvements in Northern Fairview. <br /> When we f rst descovered that we would be unable to arrange with DOT <br /> to direct Duke Power to relocate the power poles at Duke's cost, we <br /> got a quote from Duke of about $20,000 to relocate all the poles in <br /> the area, and then we got DOT's agreement that many of the poles <br /> could remain if we just routed the ditch lines around some of the r <br /> existing poles. Through negotiations with a Mr. Copley of Duke, we <br /> generatedia quote of $5200 to relocate several poles on Old Cedar Grove <br /> Road and $1000 to relocate a pole on Hill Street; those being the only <br /> poles that we thought we could not possibly avoid by rerouting the <br /> ditch lines. The County made the necessary budget amendments to <br /> provide the $6200 for the pole relocation. <br /> Then when we approached Duke Power to arrange their moving the poles, <br /> Mr. Copley had retired and a division manager, Mr. George Johnson, <br /> objected strongly to several of the other poles not being relocated. <br /> He reasoned that some of the poles which we were not calling for the <br /> relocatio of would be too close to the new road, and he feared that <br /> DOT would require Duke to relocate those poles at a future date. DOT <br /> then provided Duke assurance that if all poles within 8 feet of the <br /> new edge of pavement were relocated, DOT would then not require relo- <br /> cation oflother poles at any point in the future. <br /> This new 8 foot criterion form DOT was the first specific criterion <br /> we had tojdetermine which poles must be moved. In applying the <br /> criterior6 six additional poles were found to need to be moved. <br />