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C20 <br /> 4. circulation with,', the Development; and, 2) that the use was not in compliance <br /> 5., with the general plan as adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Cannity said, <br /> 6. however, since the Land Use Plan amendment for the development had been approved, <br /> pproued, <br /> 7, that second concern no longer existed. Mr. Cannity listed the conditions which <br /> 8. Planning Board and Staff suggested be imposed if the Class A Special Use Permit <br /> 9, is granted by the Board (see pages of this book for those twenty-five <br /> 10. conditions) . Both Planning Staff and Board recommend approval of the request. <br /> 11. Commissioner Whitted declared the Public Hearing closed on the Class A Special <br /> 32. Use Permit request for Stonegate. <br /> 13, Mr. Cannity hen reviewed briefly for the Board of Commissioners the location, <br /> 34. density of development planned (114 units on 36.5 acres), parking facilities, roads,' <br /> 15. water and sewage Mans for the development. He noted that the water- and sewage <br /> 16, systems planned had both been given preliminary State approval and final approval <br /> 17, was expected. Mr. Cannity pointed out on the site plan the recreation'areas planned <br /> 18. and said that the Isite was to have as few trees removed for construction as absolutely <br /> 29, necessary. <br /> 20, Commissioner Walker moved that evidence presented at the Public Hearing enabled <br /> 21, the Board of Commissioners to make certain findings of fact (see pages <br /> of this <br /> 22. book) In the matter of the Class A Special Use Permit requested for the Stonegate <br /> 23. Planned Development Housing, R-4, and, that, therefore, the Board does, based on <br /> 214.. those findings, approve the rezoning request and said Special Use Permit request <br /> 25, with the twenty-five conditions recommended by the Planning Board and Staff (see <br /> 26. pages of this book); Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the motion. Vote: <br /> 270 Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 28. 7. Roy Wilkerson Rezoning: Mr. Cannit y said that during the zoning process <br /> 29. the Planning Staff ad overlooked Mr. Wilkerson's business in Hillsborough Town- <br /> 30. ship, Tax Map 5 Blo k B P/0 Lot 4. He added that the Staff had made a visual in- <br /> 31. spection of the site and recommended that a portion 500' x 300' be rezoned from <br /> 32. Residential-1 to Existinn rflmm...„4.1 c u_ <br />