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I in accordance <br /> -The the Surety, in consideration n the pa and Lim itat on5c and other dterms of this Bond,Declarations i an amount cor ce <br /> : hereof,i the General Agreement,Conditions <br /> with such of the Insuring Agreements hereof as are specifically designated by the of <br /> emnit in the Table bf Limits of Liability,to indemnify the Obligee for the use and benefit of the Insured for <br /> Ind y <br /> INSURING AGREEMENTS <br /> HONESTY BLANKET BOND COVERAGE actin <br /> I. <br /> sustained by the ;loured through any fraudulent or dishonest act Or acts <br /> exceeding committed <br /> ite aggregate a to of <br /> ho a Employees,i stated in inn <br /> a"alone n col y, i <br /> Table or in mite of Lµ'tilt during the Bond Period, <br /> this Insuring Agreement 1. <br /> 1'a61e of Limits of Lialailitp app <br /> `1 HONESTY BLANKET POSITION BOND COVERAGE <br /> through on each tesuch any of the mp oyee amount <br /> alone Loran collusion by�h thers,during the BondrPeriod the amount of indemnity n each of s c any of Employees beingtees,mount <br /> atone of in the Table of Li o <br /> stated'in rho Toble of Li�ts of Liability applicable to this Insuring Agreement - <br /> FAI1HFUL PERFORMANCE BLANKET BOND COVERAGE tgperfo <br /> ' '„, ,`,�s,aui oltoor�incol! .' nwth .. <br /> T r of „ lo mart during <br /> 1r✓3, ss caused to the t. , r throw h the <br /> fees o t. t r,t. •for all monies and ,seam amount rh�r,i;nnd-Yrsiod to an ,, . . not esteedtn, to r e ere°ate t e amount stated in the Table of Limits of Liebi ity app ia' <br /> to this Insuring Agreemeqt 3. <br /> FAI IHFUL PERFORMANCE BLANKET ET POSI nION aBO aDir COVERAGE <br /> with perform <br /> faithfully <br /> 4. Loss chic du to or Inured tit prop rly failure of any pp l emnt du of lira- <br /> thBd Period,oil,the or to�unt of indemnity on onaeach ofesuch Employees being the amount stated in Table employment <br /> Limits during <br /> the Fiord Period,the amq <br /> bility applicable to this ensuring Ag reerneut 4.. <br /> I41 GENERAL AGREEMENT <br /> I LOSS UNDER PRIOR BOND <br /> If the in interest ad ensuring Agreement o this Bond is nt loss any prior bond <br /> to expire e to, of thInsured,time <br /> the cab- <br /> predecessor sub- <br /> stitution,the e inretyst ode that which Agreement applies t canceled ss sustained erne after allowed <br /> ae d to g of the d as the case <br /> stay be,prior Sorory age <br /> may boo the to curio the Hoed years from he provided <br /> nc that suoh loss is and <br /> recoverable er the expiration e Insuredtor suchapredeces or under such prior bond,excc t for the fact ond that such loss that the time hare been 'bring <br /> suit, action oy <br /> suit,action or proceedinpng of any kind thereunder had expired,and provided further: <br /> d not in addition to the amount of coverage <br /> (1) afforded by diet applicable Inuring Agreement troftthis Bond;and <br /> (2) such loss would have been covered under such Insuring Agreement hatl such Insuring Agreement with its agreements, <br /> conditions an limitations as of the time of such substitution been in force when the acts or defaults causing such <br /> loss were committed;and <br /> (3) have been rear erahienmiders such Insuring Agreement tf in the amountlfor no which it s written aamount f the timelofrsuch <br /> substitution, Agreement`been in force when such acts or defaults were committed,or the amount <br /> which ouid had such(recover Age <br /> �. p�SSUCh loss ifhheiatter umournt be prior bond had such prior bond continued in force until the discovery <br /> 1 <br /> THE FOREGOING INSURING LLO�ItiC CONDITIONS GENERAL ARE SUBJECT <br /> 1 1O THE .... .. <br /> DEFINITIONS .n i., dered submitted reasonably establishes that the loss was in <br /> "t fact caused by such Employee through such acts or defaults Sect on 1. The following terms, as used in this Bond, and provided,further,that regardless of the number of such <br /> shall have the respecuv�meanings stated in this Section: Employees concerned or implicated in such loss, the aggre- <br /> "Employee" as used in Insuring Agreements I and 2 gate liability of the Surety for any such loss shall not exceed <br /> means a person while lin the employ of the Insured during the amount stated in Item 4 of the Declarations applicable to <br /> the Baud Period who its not required by law to give bond such Insuring Agreement. <br /> conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and h�CCLUSION <br /> wbo is a member of a stuff or personnel of the Insured Section 3. This Bond dues not cover any loss sustained <br /> but does not mean slaty Treasurer or Tax Collector by <br /> whatever tide known, b or caused to,rho Insured under circumstances whereby <br /> and to the amount which the Obligee or the Insured veuty <br /> "Employee"alperso ss while din Insuring m lAgreements 3 and 4 y <br /> means a Peon whih in the tin required a the y law tot furnish manly undertakes or is obligated by law to exonerate or <br /> an person indemnify any of the Employees against liability incurred by <br /> the Bond Period whet is not requrced by law to furnish y bet of the staff Bond t otul el fur office Insured and who is a does not them in the performance of their duties.or mean n[any Treasurer�orttTax Collector by whatever title LIMITS OF LIABILITY knout any <br /> known. I <br /> Section 4. Indemnification by the Surety Crr any' loss <br /> UNIDEYTJ�IFIA[tLE EMPLOYEE under Insuring Agreement 1 or 3 shall not reduce the <br /> Section 2. In case al loss is alleged to have been caused Surety's liability for other losses under the ap�Qtlicable Insur- <br /> er the Freiman through fiats su or ring A Agreement Employee <br /> s Bond, that Agreement, <br /> Surety's whenever <br /> total 5liubilitst under each such Insuring <br /> while user an apng Agreement men Insuring F <br /> t hii nsuredishallrbe u male to desist atolthe force and effect and specific Employee suchEmployee is concerned 1 or timnpli implicated limited to the <br /> the] <br /> causing such loss, the Insured shall nr.,ertheleys have the applicable amount of indemnity specified in the Table of <br /> l.,; ei such li:;;ic nf: A+:rrc:u+ it provided that the evi. Limits of Liability. <br /> 1 r <br /> I <br />