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• , 'the Surety, in consideration of the payment of the premium, and subject to the Declarations made a.part <br /> h2i•cof, the General Agreement,Conditions and Limitations and other terms of this Bond,agrees,in accordance <br /> with such of the Insuring Agreements hereof as are specifically designated by the insertion of an amount of <br /> indemnity in the Table of Limits of Liability,to indemnify the Obligee for the use and benefit of the Insured for: <br /> - i <br /> INSURING AGREEMENTS <br /> ` l.: HONESTY BLANKET BOND COVERAGE <br /> I. Loss sustained by the Insured through any fraudulent or dishonest act or acts committed by any of the Employees.acting <br /> alone or in collusion n ith others.during the Bond Period,to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the amount stated in the <br /> Table of Limits of Liability applicable to this Insuring Agreement I. . <br /> HONESTgY BLANKET' POSITION BOND COVERAGE <br /> 2. Loss sustained alone or in collusion ytth others`during the BondrPer'iod the amolunt of indemnity on each tof such Employees being the samou acting <br /> stated in the Table of Limits of Liability applicable to this Insuring Agreement 2. <br /> 1 I <br /> AiTHFUL PERFORMANCE BLANKET BOND COVERAGE <br /> V'3. <br /> to caused to the Insured through the failure of thS.�mpIgeit s,ac i Rite ooe in collusion with others,to. erfor <br /> fa' es o�tn mount ro 17 or all monies and ro erty re ei u. . r si a to merit dunng <br /> to an amount Oct exceedingtn t e sggresote t a amount stated in the Table of Limits of Linbi ity app ica a <br /> ' to ibis Insuring Agreement 3. <br /> FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE" BLANKET POSITION BOND COVERAGE <br /> 4, Loss caused to the Inslured through the failure of any of the Employees,acting alone or in collusion with others,to perform <br /> faithfully his duties or to account properly for all monies and properly received by virtue of his position or employment during <br /> the Ilona Period,the amount of indemnity on each of such t.mployces being the amount stated in the Table of Limits of Lie, <br /> bility applicable to this!n'auring Agreement 4. <br /> GENERAL AGREEMENT <br /> I • t LOSS UNDER PRIOR BOND <br /> If the coverage of an insuring Agreement of this Bond is substituted for any prior bond carried by the Insured or by any <br /> predecessor in interest of the Insured which prior bond is terminated,canceled or allowed to expire as of the time of such sub- <br /> stitution,the Surety agrees that such lusuring Agreement applies to loss sustained by,or caused to,the Ensured,as the case <br /> may be,prior to or during the Bond Period,provided that such loss is discovered after the beginning of the Bond Period and <br /> prior to the expiration of three years from the concclation of this Bond as an entirety and that such loss would have been <br /> recoverable by the Insured or such predecessor under such prior bond except for the'fact that the time within which to bring <br /> suit,action or proccedingjof ally kind thereunder had expired,and provided further: <br /> (1) the indemnity afforded by this General Agreement shell be a part of and not in addition to tho'amount of coverage <br /> _afforded by the[applicable Insuring Agreement of thi llond;and <br /> • (2) such loss wouldlhave been covered under such Insuring Agreement had such Insuring Agreement with its agreements, <br /> conditions and limitations as of the time of such substitution been in force when the acts or defaults causing such <br /> loss were committed;and <br /> (3) recovery underlsuch Insuring Agreement on account of such loss shall in no event exceed the amount which would <br /> have been recoverable under such Insuring Agreement in the amount for which it is written as of the time of such <br /> substitution,had such insuring Agreement Leen in force when such acts or defaults were committed,or the amount <br /> which would halve been recoverable under such prior bond had such prior bond continued in force until the discovery <br /> t - of such loss if the latter amount be smaller. _ . <br /> THE FOREGOING INSURING AGREEMENTS AND GENERAL AGREEMENT ARE SUBJECT <br /> TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS: <br /> • I <br /> • " DEFINITIONS .t i,. dance submitted reasonably establishes that the loss was in <br /> Scctioo I, The following terms, as used in this Bond, fact caused by such Employee through such acts or defaults <br /> shall have the respective Meaning's stated in this Section: and provided,further,that regardless of the number of such <br /> p 5 Employers concerned or implicated in ouch toss, the aggre- <br /> "Fmployee" as used in Insuring Agreements I and 2 gate liability of the Surety for any such loss shall not exceed <br /> means a person while In the employ of the fissured during the amount stated in Item 4 of the Declarations applicable to <br /> the Baud Period who is not required by law to give bone such Insuring A'-cement. <br /> conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and <br /> who is a member of the stuff or personnel of the Insured E'}CCLUSION - - <br /> but does not mean ally Treasurer or Tax Collector by <br /> whatever tide known. Section 3. This Bond does not cover any loss sustained <br /> "Employee' as used in Insuring Agreements 3 and 4 by or caused to,the Insured under circumstances wlwrehmy <br /> means a person while in the employ of the Insured during and to the amount which the Obligee or the Insured volun- <br /> the Bond Period who Iis not required by low to furnish tarity undertakes or is obligated by law to exonerate or <br /> an Individual Bond to qualify fur office and who is a mein, indemnify any of the Employees against liability incurred by <br /> her of the staff or personnel of the Insured but does not them in the performance of their duties. <br /> mean any Treasurer dr Tax Collector by whatever title L{h{IfS OF LIABILITY <br /> known, <br /> I Section 4, Indemnification by the Surety for any loss <br /> UNIDENTIFIABLE EMPLOYEE under lnsuriug Agreement 1 or 3 shall not reduce the <br /> Section 2. In case a loss is alleged to have been caused Surety's liability for other losses under the applicable Instir. <br /> to the Insured through airs or defaults by an Employee coy- ing Ap••rcemcnt, wltcueser sustained; provided, hoprcter, <br /> ercd under an applicablellnsuriug AI!recmeut of this Bond, that the Surety s total liability under each such Insuriu•• <br /> while such Insuring Agreement is in full force and effect and Agreement fur any Ins caused by an Employee or in whicFi <br /> the insured shall Le unable to Jcai,unto the specific Employer such Employee is concerned or implicated is limited to the <br /> causing such loss, the Insured shall inwertheless have the applicable amount of indemnity specified in the Table hf <br /> t..•n-die of such lns.rinel At:ract:a lit provided that the evi• Limits of Liability, <br /> i <br /> i <br />