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7�Q. <br /> 070 <br /> its (the Planning Board's) recommendation on this issue was made. <br /> Accordingly, Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, <br /> to table the proposed amendments to the Land Use Plan for Cheeks Township until <br /> the next meeting when the Planning Board Minutes would be available to the <br /> Commissioners. <br /> During the discussion following the motion, Board members suggested that <br /> the Planning Board Chair might be present at that meeting to provide guidance <br /> as to the reasoning process of the Planning Board, Mr. Lloyd said that with <br /> the motion to table his questions had been answered and he would not address <br /> the Board at this time, <br /> Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> 6. Extension of Zoning Into Cheeks: This item was tabled until the next <br /> meeting, pending the availability of the Planning Board Minutes. <br /> 7. Planning Board By-Laws Revision: Board members said they felt that <br /> Planning Board members should not abstain from voting unless a personal, financial <br /> interest was involved, Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Walker, to approve the Planning Board's rewritten by-laws with-wording changed <br /> to reflect that members present but not voting should be recorded as having <br /> voted "Aye" and abstentions are not permitted, Both the motion and the second <br /> were later withdrawn. <br /> Board members indicated changes they would prefer be made to the By-Laws: <br /> 1) the Planning Director shall serve as Secretary to the Planning Board (he/she <br /> may appoint staff to serve that function but the responsibility is his/hers); <br /> 2) no abstentions are permitted unless a financial interest is involved (those <br /> not voting will be counted as "ayes" and the Chair should vote); the County Attorney <br /> • questioned whether the Article referring to "Amendments" was in conformance with <br /> • the Zoning Ordinance. The Board asked that these suggested changes be taken to <br /> • the Planning Board and returned to the Commissioners following the Planning Board's <br /> • review. The Commissioners suggested a short, ten minute discussion with the <br /> • Planning Board on November 22, 1982, regarding the voting/not voting/abstention <br /> • question, if necessary. <br /> • 8. Sheriff's Vehicles & Animal Control Truck Purchase,: Mr. Rees, Purchasing <br /> ▪ Officer, passed out the bid results for the Sheriff's Vehicles and the Animal <br /> • Control vehicle, Those results for the Sheriff's Vehicles are: <br />