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752. <br /> o39 <br /> the Board not require the Class C road be built through the property to <br /> the proposed five acre lot requested. Mr, Hackney explained that there were <br /> no subdivision plans for the property, that it is all for family use. Mr. <br /> Hackney is willing to have the 60' right-of--way, but asks that he not have <br /> to build the road. Mr. Hackney added that in order for the family to build <br /> individual homes on the property left to them, they have to either have deeds <br /> or go through the subdivision process. <br /> Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to <br /> approve the preliminary plan for the John Hackney Heirs Subdivision and asked <br /> that the Planning Department work with Mr. B. Hackney to draw up the two plats, <br /> as required under the Zoning Ordinance, with one plat reading that no building <br /> permits would be issued for this lot until the Class C road is constructed. <br /> Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 2. John Blackwood Property-preliminary plan: Mr. Cannity made the pre- <br /> sentation for the Planning Staff, citing the location of the property and that <br /> it meets mininum standards for subdivision. Commissioner Gustaveson moved, <br /> seconded by Commissioner Walker, to approve the preliminary plan for the John <br /> Blackwood property. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 3. Special Use Permit Modification—The Timbers: Mr. Cannity told the <br /> Board the proposed modification would change the location of the swimming <br /> pool from the north side of the project to the south side. Commissioner <br /> Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to approve the Class A <br /> Special Use Permit modification as requested for the Timbers. Vote: Ayes, 5; <br /> noes, 0. <br /> 4. Land Use Plan Amendments Procedure Policy: Chairman Whitted said this <br /> policy had first been discussed at the Monday meeting of October 4th. Commis- <br /> sioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to approve the <br /> Procedure Policy for Amending the Land Use Plan with inclusion of Staff recom- <br /> • mended language (see pages f-49 of this book for the policy). Vote: Ayes, <br /> • 5; noes, 0, <br /> • 5. Proposed Land Use Plan Amendments for Cheeks Township: Chairman Whitted <br /> • explained the procedure the Board follows after items have been to public hearing, <br /> • specifically addressing this issue, Commissioners Marshall and Willhoit noted <br /> • that the Board had not received the Planning Board Minutes of the meeting when <br /> •• <br /> 1. <br />