Orange County NC Website
751 <br /> 068 <br /> MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 1, 1982 <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, <br /> November 1, 1982, at 10:00 A.M. in the Commissioners' Roam, Orange County Court- <br /> house, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br /> Commissioners present: Chairman Richard E. Whitted, and Commissioners <br /> • <br /> Norman Gustaveson, Shirley E. Marshall, Norman Walker and Don Willhoit. <br /> A. BOARD COMMENTS <br /> Chairman Whitted said there were two addenda and an announcement; Com- <br /> missioner Marshall also added an announcement. <br /> B. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br /> Mr. Ben Lloyd asked to address the Board on the question of proposed <br /> amendments to the Land Use Plan for Cheeks Township; Mr. Bernice Hackney <br /> asked to address the Board on the John Hackney Heirs Subdivision. There <br /> were no other audience comments. <br /> C, MINUTES <br /> The Minutes of the October 25, 1982, meeting were deferred until the tape <br /> could be checked, <br /> D. AUDIT PRESENTATION <br /> Mr. Wallace Harding presented the County's financial audit for the year <br /> ending June 30, 1982, to the Board; the audit was prepared by Touche Ross Com- <br /> pany whose representative was present. Mr, Harding said the information con- <br /> tained within the audit went beyond that required legally and by generally <br /> accepted audit practices. Mr. Nelson, of Touche Ross, said, responding to <br /> an inquiry from Chairman Whitted, that the goal for the audit presentation for <br /> 1983 is September 30, 1983. Commissioner Marshall suggested that the Department <br /> of Aging be listed as a Department rather than as the Commission on Aging. <br /> Commissioner Gustaveson said this was a good beginning of a sound historical <br /> financial document, <br /> • <br /> E. BOARD DECISIONS <br /> • <br /> 1, John Hackney Heirs Subdivision--preliminary plan: Mr. Cannity, Planning <br /> • <br /> Staff, made the presentation for the Planning Department, citing location and <br /> • that the subdivision meets minimum standards. Mr, Bernice Hackney asked that <br /> 0 <br /> • <br /> • <br />