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t�8U <br /> �8 � ` <br /> �v <br /> Ms. Sockwell said that both school systems have recurring maintenance <br /> needs which she thought would be appropriate for discussion; she said those <br /> ' needs are expensive and if the County could provide a working figure which the <br /> schools could depend on as being the minimum available it would be most helpful. <br /> Ms. Sockwell also asked how many buildings the County had to maintain each year. <br /> Commissioner Nillhoit said he felt it inappropriate to promise an amount <br /> 7>- <br /> to the schools each year; he said to do so would "presume knowledge of the tax <br /> rate" which would be set'and also of State policy regarding salary schedules for <br /> its employees. Commissioner Willhoit continued saying, he felt it more appropriate <br /> ( at this point to list needs and for next year to put an emphasis on catch up <br /> maintenance, He said he felt that new construction would be dependent on the <br /> local $.10 additional sales tax, if approved, or the $500 million bond issue. <br /> Mr, Caldwell said that if all the needs for each of three entities were <br /> known perhaps some of the others' needs could be postponed for those most pressing <br /> needs. <br /> Chairman Whitted said it would be a good idea to identify those needs/ <br /> projects which could be done out of current revenues and to come up with a strategy <br /> to address those projects, <br /> Dr. Mayer listed priorities for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools: roofing, <br /> furniture, floors, energy conservation at the high school, multipurpose space in <br /> two schools, computers for the classrooms, system-wide erosion control, additional <br /> pods. Ms. Sockwell said the current needs amounted to $797^000 for the big items, <br /> not including small items (such as sewing machines and microscopes); and a total <br /> of $7,169,000 for long range needs. <br /> Dr. Simmons said the needs for the Orange County Schools was the same <br /> as in January of 1981 (see minutes of January 29, 1981, for specific projects). <br /> Briefly, those needs are a replacement school for Stanback, cafeteria expansion <br /> at the high school, modifications for handicapped accessibility, media center at <br /> ' the high school, vocational facility, energy retrofit, roofs, storage at the main <br /> facility, site improvements. He summarized the needs of his system at about <br /> $12 million. <br /> Chairman Whitted said those needs can't be funded from current revenue <br /> sources by the County. Mr. Caldwell said the Federal government was dumping <br /> costs on the State government which in turn was dumping costs onto local govern- <br /> ments and local governments did not have the funds to pick those costs up. <br /> He further said he thought the $600 million bond issue was dead on the State level <br />