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~.. v 9 4// <br /> vacanies on that Commission, <br /> 3. Carolantic Investments Preliminary Plan: Mr, Rick Cannity, Acting <br /> Planning Director, made the presentation for the Planning Department, citing the <br /> location of Carolantic's property (Eno Township, SR 1673) and the number of lots <br /> (five) on 4.6 acres, Mr. Cannity said the proposal for the mobile home park meets <br /> the County standards for lot size. Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Com- <br /> missioner Marshall, to approve the preliminary plan for Carolantic Investments. <br /> Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 4. Duke Power Company, Modification & Clarification of Special Use Permit <br /> Request: Mr. Cannity said that when the Special Use Permit Request was granted <br /> for the Duke Power Operations facility, it was unclear that outside storage of <br /> such materials such as wire, transformers, poles, etc., were permitted and Duke <br /> Power asked that such storage be permitted as it originally had intended such <br /> storage. In addition, Mr. Cannity said, the modification of the Special Use Per- <br /> mit included a gas island, flag pole and radio antenna at the site. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit, noting that such a request for clarification and <br /> modification seemed reasonable, moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall , to <br /> approve the Class A Special Use Permit modification as indicated on the revised <br /> Site Plan and that outside storage of materials cited by Duke Power be permitted. <br /> Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> 5. Land Use Plan Amendment--Curtis Bane for Stonegate: Mr. Cannity presented <br /> the information for the Planning Department saying the proposed amendment to the <br /> Land Use Plan was for a change from Rural Residential to Twenty-year Transition. <br /> He said such a designation was appropriate for this area of Eno Township. <br /> Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, approval of the <br /> recommendation from the Planning Board and Staff for approval of the change to the <br /> Land Use Plan . Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> 6. Public Hearing--Curtis Bane Planned Development Housing R-4Stnnegatm <br /> Commissioner Whitted announced that the Public Hearing to receive the recommendation <br /> from the Planning Board on the Class A Special Use Permit for3toneyatewas now open. <br /> Mr. Cannity, who was sworn at the Public Hearing on August 23rd, presented the <br /> evidence and recommendation from the Planning Board; he cited the findings of fact, <br /> found on pages ig4r62". of this Book, for the Class A Special Use Permit for Stone, <br /> gate. Mr. Cannity said the Planning Staff and Board had two concerns: 1) pedestrian <br />