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Section 4. Executive Committee Feting . The Executive Committee shall <br /> meet monthly at the principal office of the corporation or at other <br /> places an times agreed upon as the regular meeting place by the members. <br /> Section 5. Quorum. A majority of all members of the Board of Directors, <br /> the Executive Committee or any other committee shall constitute a quorum <br /> for conducting the business of the corporation at any regular or special <br /> meeting. <br /> Section 6. Voting. Voting on all business of the corporation shall be <br /> determinediby a majority decision of those present and voting, provided <br /> that a quorum is present, except for amendment to the bylaws. Election <br /> of officers shall be by secret ballot and other matters may be by secret <br /> ballot if J majority of those members present prefer. Otherwise, all <br /> voting shall be by voice vote or show of hands. <br /> Section 7. Parliamentary Authority. The questions of parliamentary <br /> procedure shall be determined by use of the current edition of Roberts <br /> Rules of Ortler as the Final source of authority when such rules are <br /> not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the Charter of the corporation. <br /> ARTICLE IV <br /> Officers <br /> Section 1. Officers. The Board of Directors shall elect annually a <br /> Chairman, Chairman sleet, Treaeurer and Secretary from amok its members. <br /> The Executive Director may serve as Secretary but shall hold no other <br /> elected office. Other officers may be appointed by the Board of Directors <br /> with duties and powers not inconsistent with these Bylaws as from time to <br /> time may be deemed necessary in carrying out the purposes of the corporation. <br /> Section 2. (Election. The officers shall be elected at the organizational tie corporation and at the annual meeting thereafter. The <br /> Chairman ab>� appoint a aemdaating committee of at least three perseas <br /> who will pre ent nemtnati.oaa to the Board of Directors at the wattal testing. <br /> Section 3. Vacancies. In case of a vacancy in any office of the corporation, <br /> the Executive Committee shall nominate a member to the Board of Directors <br /> (4) <br />