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���� <br /> "°^_ �~ <br /> ^d <br /> cooperation among the governments in the County. He added that he defined the <br /> responsibilities of such a commission to identify land for development and to <br /> arrange financing for such development. <br /> Both Mr. Gastineau and Mr. Crenshaw said this had to be done on a county- <br /> wide basis and the Commissioners were the "key to success" in such an endeavor. <br /> They said they had prepared by-laws for an economic development commission and <br /> hoped to have the Commissioner approve their work thus far. Messrs. Gastineau <br /> and Crenshaw said they envisioned an executive director and a secretary for him/her <br /> office supplies and promotional material; expenses for the first year's operation <br /> were estimated by Mr. Gastineau at $70-75,000, <br /> Commissioner Whitted said the County had set aside some money for economic <br /> development in this year's budget and that the Board would discuss at an early <br /> meeting how to commit those funds. There was a consensus among Board members that <br /> the degree of-interest should be ascertaine from the municipalities in the County <br /> and a financial commitment to the project were the first two steps. And, other <br /> proposals should also be explored, such as the one presented by Dr. Ed Bergman's <br /> class last spring. There was a consensus among Board members to set up, with the <br /> Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro Economic Development Committee , the Carrboro Develop- <br /> . <br /> ment Corporation and representatives from the municipalities in the County a meeting <br /> to explore interest, financial commitment, and other proposals for economic develop- <br /> ment in the County. Commissioner Whitted told Messrs. Gastineau and Crenshaw he <br /> would notify them by letter the next day of his Commissioners' representative to <br /> ° <br /> , that "exploratory task force." <br /> Commissioner Whitted thanked those bodies for their presentation and comments. <br /> With no further business to come before the Board, it adjourned by cuncensus' <br /> Richard E. Whitted, Chair <br /> Paulette Pridgen-Pond, Clerk <br />