Orange County NC Website
1/82 1 <br /> A,2 <br /> Copy of a Resolution Passed by the <br /> Board of Commissioners of Orange <br /> County, North Carolina <br /> The followingIresolution was offered by and <br /> a motion was made by _, that it be adopted, this <br /> motion was seconded by and upon being put to a <br /> vote, was, — I carried; <br /> I <br /> Whereas, the orth Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program, hereinafter <br /> referred to as GHS , proposes to implement a program to assist orange <br /> County, hereinafte referred to as the County, in protecting their young <br /> children against death and serious injury in automobile accidents GHSP will <br /> provide the County with a supply of crash-tested automobile child restraint <br /> devices (CRD's), provide for the initial training of personnel who will <br /> implement the progr to learn how to properly install and properly use the <br /> CRD's provided, pro 7 de all forms necessary for operating and keeping records of <br /> the operation of thl program, provide materials developed for GHSP designed to <br /> educate parents about using CRD's, provide technical advice and general <br /> supervision to County personnel; PROVIDED, the County agrees to provide manpower <br /> or to designate a local group or agency, Oran Count Ch' d Passen: <br /> sociation, <br /> who will provide thL manpower to coordinate, publicize, and operate the <br /> distribution of CRD s within the County for a period of not less than two (2) <br /> years, to obtain 6Q additional crash-tested CRD's and to use them in this <br /> program, to ,insure that every parent who is loaned a CRD is given appropriate <br /> instruction as to how to use the CRD properly, to provide training for all <br /> persons involved in the loaner program who are not initially trained by GHSP, to <br />