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of the corporation and any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other <br /> instruments which may be lawfully executed an behalf of the corporation, <br /> except where required or permitted by law to be otherwise signed and exec, <br /> and except where the signing and execution there shall be delegated <br /> by the Board of Directos to some other officer or agent; and, in general, <br /> shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President and such <br /> other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to <br /> time. <br /> Section 6. Assistant Clerks ,-(Vice-Presidents): The Assistant C," <br /> in the order of their selection, unless otherwise determined by the Board <br /> Directors, shall in the absence or disability of the Clerk, perform the di <br /> and exercise the ppvers of that office. In addition, they shall perform t <br /> other duties and have such powers as the Board of Directors shall prescril <br /> Section 7. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate records <br /> of the acts and proceedings of all meetings of shareholders and Directors. <br /> He or she shall give all notices required by law and by these By-Laws. H4 <br /> or she shall have general charge of the corporate boo" and records and of <br /> the corporate seal, and he or she shall affix the corporate seal to any 14 <br /> executed instrument requiring it. He or she shall have general charge of <br /> the stock transfer books of the corporation and shall keep, at the regist( <br /> or principal office of the corporation, a record of shareholders SIIOW'A6 I <br /> name and address of each shareholder and the number and class of thc share <br /> held by them. He or she shall sign such instruments as may req,uLre his of <br /> her signature, and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the <br /> of the Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned to U-n or her fi <br /> time to time by the President (Clerk) or by the Board of DirecLorn. <br /> Section 8. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all <br /> funds and securities belonging to the corporation and shall receive, depoE <br /> or disburse the same under the direction of the Board of Directors. He ot <br /> shall keep full and accurate accounts of the finances of the corporation I <br /> books especially provided for that purpose; and he or she shall cause a ti <br /> statement of its assets and liabilities as of the close of each fiscal ye, <br /> and of the results of its operations and of changes in surplus for such <br /> fiscal year, all in reasonable detail, including particulars as to convert <br /> securities then outstanding, to be made and filed at the registered or <br /> principal office of the corporation within four (4) months after the end c <br /> such fiscal year. The statement so filed shall be kept available for ins; <br /> by any shareholder for a period of ten (10) years; and the Treasurer shall <br /> mail or otherwise deliver a copy of the latest such statement to any share <br /> holder upon his written request therefor. The Treasurer shall, in general <br /> perform all duties incident to his or her office and suchother duties as <br /> assigned to him or her from time to time by. the President (Clerk) or by ti <br /> Board of Directors. <br /> Section 9. Assistant Secretaries and Treasurers: The Assistant <br /> Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers shall in the absence or disability <br /> the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, perform the duties and exe <br /> the powers of those offices, and they shall, in general, perform such of <br /> j <br /> duties as shall be assigned to them by the Secretary or the Treasurer, <br /> respectively, or by the President or the Board of Directors. <br />