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r <br /> DRAFT <br /> He recomneax *d that the Board deny the request and reaffirm the decision <br /> to zone the area R-l. <br /> Ronald Wagner--Hillsborough Township resident. Wagner indicated he was <br /> a recent he eowner and expressed conerns about the devaluation of the <br /> neighborhood with Gates proposed actions. He noted that tm years=ago <br /> twenty families with a max.`im•zm of four persons per household and two <br /> vehicles per house, lived between 1-85 and Oakdale. He expressed concern <br /> about the drastic increase in houses and cars this project proposed. He <br /> ,n zed. that there were no stores in the area, no shoulders do orange <br /> G �s'rove, a 55 mph speed limit, many traffic ac.dents,poor sight distance] <br /> and children in the roads at this location.. He encouraged denial of the <br /> rezoning. <br /> Br. (21ristoperr Byrd - Representing Edi.e M. Hines, owner of 55 acres near <br /> site:. Byrd expressed concern that Mrs. Hines was being taken advantage <br /> of since the death of her husband who desired the preservation of the <br /> neighborhood and maintained the property as forest. He indicated a Plann- <br /> ing Board member had told them to sell out as the property 'would be devalued. <br /> Byrd emphasized that the existing unity's standards could not be main- <br /> tai ned. by the proposal. He expressed concerns about the increased number <br /> of stray clogs, increased noise, potential accidents at the crest of orange <br /> Grove road and the lack of pedestrian areas along Grange Grove Road. He <br /> indicated he and Mrs. Hines were apposed to the development and wanted to <br /> preserve the neighborhood.. <br /> Rooks emphasized that many residents in opposition to the proposal had <br /> attended the public hearing, but that as the night wore: on they had left. <br /> The public hearing on the Cates rezoning adjourned at 11;15 <br />