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x, <br /> Williams and the proposed Midway airport were wrong and that other sites-woul.d.T <br /> be preferable. <br /> �Canni.ty submitted tuo letters from Peloquin Associates for the Boards' infor- <br /> mation. <br /> Matted submitted letters from Martha and John Harris, Fischer family and <br /> Robert Fischer. <br /> the public hearing on Midway Airport adjourned at 10;25. The record of the <br /> public hearing would remain open for suhnittal of the referenced items given <br /> as evidence. <br /> Crawford requested sted that the public hearing remain open for the Board to questjo <br /> Bruce Mathews and asked the staff to request his presence at the July 19 <br /> Planning Board meting. The Board of County Corctussioners would also be pre-- <br /> sent for this matter. <br /> Wallhoit moved adjournment of the public hearing. tharshall seconded.. Motion <br /> passed unanimously. <br /> Agenda Item B. Re ama ng �Ra s frc m Fred and Elizabeth Cates (Fran Rl. to Rs) <br /> Cannity presented a description of the proposal and its Location. He explained <br /> the intent of the provision of districts in the Zoning ordinance. He noted <br /> that the proposal in conformance with the Land Use plan, but that there would <br /> be adverse impacts of the prqposa� R8 rezoning. Cannity added that a rezon- <br /> ing cannot address the following concerns; fare prrtecticn,. recreational <br /> facilities, central services, pedestrian circulation, interior cirucl.ation, <br /> parking, building to building setback and an overall developgent plan to <br /> assure adequate services and amass to the remainder of the tract. The <br /> staff recut •Tended denial of tha rezoning request. <br /> John btAdams, consultant to the developer, indicated this was a request to <br /> rezone four acres adjacent to the existing R8 development of Cates Farm. <br /> He noted that the developments was caught under the enforcement of the revised <br /> Zoning Ordinance and that the rezoning request would enable the continuance <br /> of the development according to the original plan for 32 units using the same <br /> vehicular access as the existing 48 units. M=Adam; addressed the staff comment <br /> regaxdng the proposal.. He indicated that it was the intent of the developer <br /> to Provide recreational facilities and that trash removal ar4 fire protection <br /> would be provided in the same manner as established for the fi rat 48 units. <br /> He emphasized that the existing developmr=nt provides the knowledge of the <br /> standard and that 80 units would provide for the feasibility of recreation <br /> management: and maintenance as intended and orginally conceived ved and planned. <br /> Kizer asked whether the roads would be paved. McAdams responded that there <br /> would be surface treatment of the road =mrnly referred to a <br /> Wi llhoit: inquired about the commitment of the Town to water and sir pro- <br /> vision. McAdams indicated the Tbwn was willing to extend lines sized for <br /> this purpose from the orginal. 48 units. Willhoit. asked if the Town's <br /> commitment was docLumntec7. Cannity responded negatively. Wil twit emphasized <br /> the inv ortanCe of the availability McAdams stated that it was <br /> the tap charge not the availability of services which was in question. He <br /> explained that under a 1973-74 agreement regarding liras to Grady Brown <br /> School there is a surcharge of $200.00 per tab collected by the Tow and for- <br /> warded to the Orange County School Board. The issue in this matter is t-hz? <br />