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DRAFT .- <br /> land. use goals/plans of the EMngh= Township) Advisory Council as found in <br /> the February 15, 1979 minutes. These minutes kt*A the preservation of <br /> agriculture as the #1 goal and maintenance of agriculture and prevention <br /> of land use conflicts as primary concerns. Johnson inquired if Midway <br /> could accomplish what it proposes, noting Hazzard's reluctance to <br /> respond in economic terms.. Johnsen rated statments 4 and 7 of the proposal <br /> for the November 30, 1981 public hearing which state. that "We are requesting <br /> the airpo airpark - _ � due to their symk�ot:ic relationship" <br /> and 0these dre mutually beneficial and dependent for survival! Johnson <br /> suggested the project as now proposed may be e==lically . <br /> Johnson indicated he had researched as a developer the costs of the venture- <br /> noting that the normal activities of a general aviation airport generally <br /> cover only the day to day bills and that Counties generally supplement <br /> these revexmes. He iand.icated financing would c from hanger sales on <br /> long term leases. Citing all cost features and comparing these with <br /> examples of number of hangared and thei6owns crafts at local airputs, <br /> Johnson noted a significant shortJall in expenses vs. revenues and a lack <br /> of interest in investment. <br /> Johnson felt he was presenting a best estimation of market, cost and profit <br /> to show if this was a financially viable option. Fie continued on the basis <br /> of the proposoj actually becoming operational.. He noted that should the <br /> facility be viable and lure out Horace William. traffic what would happen <br /> if Horace Williams is closed and Midway fails. He suggested that pressures <br /> would be wed for 1) public take over of the operation 2) approval of <br /> other uses at the facility 3) closure of the facility. JOYmson r.-ecognize� <br /> the choice was difficult but recommended mmended denial of the prowl on the <br /> basis that it does not promote the public health safety and welfare; conflicts <br /> with the Land Use Plan for Bingham-ra mshipyand is an eccn* ly inviable <br /> project which may lead to a County bail out at a later date. Johnson added <br /> that if the Board grants approval it should be with stringent conditions <br /> including 1) no jets, given that he was advised that jets can land hers: and <br /> not damage the runway if not a routine operation and 2) a sizeable const.ructic <br /> bond of cost plus 10% for the life of the project construction phases. <br /> Johnson added that it is difficult to get a large turnout for a second public <br /> hearing and asked that the opposition presence make itsel f known. <br /> Julie Andersen - Chapel Hill Resident, Representative of Citizens for Airlxrt <br /> Planning. Andersen indicated that this group was formed. in 1970 to seek a <br /> solution to the health and safety problems of Horace Williams. She referred <br /> to the broad base of support for closure of Horac a Williams and emphasized <br /> that the existing airport was inexticably tied to the proposal. <br /> Sandra ant-.�- Chapel Hill resi den Chapel. Hill resident, Rothwell noted <br /> the location of schools and number U citizens in the vicinity of Horace <br /> Williams, citing the percentage of crashes occuring during take off. Using <br /> as an ale the unfforseeen car accident at University Mall which was decided <br /> by the courts to not be a case of negligence, -Rothwell emphasized that the <br /> likl ehood of an aircraft crash could be anticipated. <br /> May Lou Rubins - Chapel Hill resident, elementary sh,cool teach. Rubins ex- <br /> pressed concern about possible crashes citing the number of deaths in air <br /> crashes at Horace Williams and the increasing risk of crashes with more pri- <br /> vate pilot activity. She felt, it imperative that an alternative to Horace <br /> Williams be found. „ <br />