Orange County NC Website
i DRAF-1 <br /> Kizer ingi� if the developer was planning to restrict flights. M.shler <br /> asked in what way. Kizer clarified the question to mean restrict Operations. <br /> He, added that using Horace Williams fib would suggest consideration of <br /> restricted highway traffic. Mehler cited Mathews's'tatemnt of using a <br /> rule of thuft;b and added this was a conservative but accurate figure <br /> as transient flights will not increase five�,fold with a five fold increase <br /> in the number of based planes. <br /> i <br /> He added that Mathews has noted.-99t the price of operations can double <br /> or not the total number of operations. <br /> Kizer asked if Mehler woruld agr;--evthis figure is a conservative estiamate. <br /> b e aer responded that if you look at the Rol' e;<perience these figures <br /> are so highlas to be ridiculous, but that Mathews is the best source. He <br /> ix04--ated tkae problem of proportional relationship between 50 and 276 <br /> based air=aft. <br /> Kizer *,. ui red i.f NEr contours calculations included. the W yr nmber of <br /> based aircraft and c m parative frequency and number of operati oxns. Mehler <br /> responded that the new figures were used in the calculation and the Nom'' <br /> contours di.'splayed on the wall. <br /> Gustaveson asked if there were files of private airports of this size <br /> in the easrn Seaboard, Northwest or West Coast. Mehler responded there <br /> were nom:in this area and that such a size was generally o mnected with <br /> commercial ercial airports like FW. Gustaveson pursued the question. Mehler <br /> resp=W that elsewhere general avai.tion airports are considered desir- <br /> able with panned associated developrent. Gustavesson inquired if this <br /> w aul.d be orb the largest airports in the Eastern Seaboard. Mehler respond- <br /> ed he did not know and that their research had been cxnfirtie4,to this area. <br /> f <br /> Crawl ash if there would be restricted access to the roper:ty cji=ingAaur' <br />�looD i road,.. Mphler responded that <br /> .,�i "c F ct r�' nt� a l rtrd. t! h�l r � of � z5om� 604414 <br /> " �1►a�rx� /d r cr 7`l r 7r /f� �1 istryk'��15 df`�cCCtr 5 a , <br /> Twin inquired of the Buck Mountain Cionipanyr Inc. as listed on the applica- <br /> tion was incorporated in Nt7.rth Carolina. John Northern, attorney for Buck <br /> Muntai.ny said the company was formed a general partnership and that the <br /> reference to incorporation should bed <br /> I <br /> Txvin asked how much land the developer controlled off the end of the run- <br /> way either through purchase agreement or easement. A3 hler responded that <br /> the majority of land was controlled up to 1000 feet, some subject to <br /> crxnd,5.ticnal.i approval. He added that no effort had been made to control <br /> beyond 1000lfeet due to the FAA/wr judge ent regarding this matter. <br /> Irvin requited to be more specific about the south end.. John <br /> Northern, described the property controlled by the developer adding that <br /> if a 1000 oontrol area was a dondi.ti on of approval it would be incumbent <br /> on the developer to shift or shorten the runway to get control of 1000 <br /> feet. He added that the zonirq ordnance does not define the approach <br /> zone that there had been much discussion of the length and that it would <br /> be d;,,.fficul.t to get easements for one mile.. Irvin clarified that the <br /> developer had controtv%nd south of the ranway up�o but not beyond W <br /> 54. Northern responded that the developer had control over the Walton <br /> pare only. He added the developer's control extended to the northern <br /> property Line but not into the Crawford property. <br />