Orange County NC Website
��� <br /> "~�� <br /> He said there was no requirement that the runway be 5000' long and cited <br /> an airport in the Chicago area where the runway was 4000' long and had 650 <br /> based aircraft and some were jets. <br /> Commissioner Marshall : Asked if Mr' Matthews knew of any cane in which <br /> an airport located in an agricultural/residential district had begun a rash <br /> of rezoning requests "for industrial purposes" in the neighborhood. <br /> Mr. Matthews: Said that he didn't know of any such airports in the general <br /> aviation range although that had been the case at Raleigh/Durham because the <br /> owners saw the land as more valuable in the Airport District. <br /> Commissioner Marshall: Noted that the comprehensive Land Use Plan for the <br /> County did not see such development in that area as desirable; she had wondered <br /> if the pressure for development would be so strong as to force the Commiss: ix <br /> to "let it happen," <br /> Mr. Matthews: Said he didn't really foresee that uccuring with regard to <br /> Midway Airport; that there were so many different factors involved in an industry <br /> deciding to locate near an airport. There may, he continued, be an individual <br /> who decides that it would be o good idea since he was already located near the <br /> airport who might want rezoning for u special purpose, but it would be a real <br /> special purpose. He noted that the same thing would occur in northern Orange if <br /> 1-40 were built. <br /> In closing Mr. Matthews said his department saw the airport as o "much neJad <br /> facility" in Orange County and would much prefer that that County build the air- <br /> port but perceiving no interest on the part of the County to 6u that and with <br /> the developer willing to do it, they wanted to see it built' He offered any <br /> additional information the Board might need. <br /> Mr. John Nopthen , an attorney, approached the lecturn, and told Chairman <br /> Whitted, that his firm had arrange for Thomas HeffnQr, o real estate appraiser, <br /> to give testimony at this public hearing regarding the previous testimony given <br /> at the July 8 hearing about the property values if the airport is located and <br /> developed as proposed. He said that while Mr. Heffner was unable to attend the <br /> previcos meeting, and he, Mr. Northen , ,understood that the public hearing was <br /> co'`' I*mad to allow Mr. Matthews' testimony, he, Mr. Nmrthen, now had a letter <br /> frmo Mir. Heffner stating his opinion on property values near Hk0 and two other <br /> airports; he requested penuis�ion to introduce it into the record of this hearing' <br />