Agenda - 07-19-1982
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 07-19-1982
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4/3/2017 3:51:47 PM
Creation date
4/3/2017 3:24:28 PM
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�k�� <br /> � <br /> =~,° <br /> at Midway. He said propeller aircraft were considerably less noisy. He <br /> said while he had not seen the final "noise exposure calculations" for <br /> Midway he doesn't think there will be u problem unless a house is very nearby' <br /> Ma' Crawford: "How do you define 'problem'?" <br /> Mr. Matthews: Said that it was a problem if the individual was uncom- <br /> fortable enough to go to u lawyer to do something about it. <br /> Commissioner Nillhoit: Asked howmanydec1hels that would be. <br /> Mr, Matthews: Replieq that he didn't know. <br /> Mr. Kizer: "How about the NEF rating?" <br /> Mr. Matthews: "8 very clear-cut NEF rating is a 40 NEF; the borderline <br /> is between the 30 and the 40." He said that the airport should control all <br /> "property inside the 40 NEF contours." He added that "there should be some <br /> type of zoning ordinance for properties between the 30 and the 40 NEF to restrict <br /> noise in compatible development." He said that a oaxa by case study should he <br /> made between the 20 and 30 NEF but there shouldn't be o noise problem within those <br /> contours. <br /> Mr. Kizer: Said that he understood that Mr. Matthews would not recommend <br /> agricultural zoning underanmirpmrt so would he recommend 1nd.otrial or what. <br /> Mr. Matthews: "Agricultural use is a compatible use." He said the Raleigh <br /> Durham Airport District grew out of some conferences held with the FAA in the <br /> 60's and it looks like a football oval that extends about three miles off the <br /> end of each runway' He said it conforms almost perfectly to the later developed <br /> 30 NEF contours. He added that the District says there should not be "noise <br /> sensitive development" or places of "public assembly;" this excludes residences. <br /> With regard to general aviation airports, according to the "book we're not <br /> supposed to have a problem." <br /> Mr- Kizer: Asked if in Hr' Matthews' opinion, airports stimulated commer- <br /> cial development. <br /> Mr. Matthews: Replied that some do and some don't. He feels that an air- <br /> port is a "prerequisite for economic growth" but that several factors enter into <br /> an industry's decision to locate n plant in a particular urea' He continued, <br /> responding to Ms. Crawford, that jet traffic was not necessarily allowed at those <br /> airports which stimulated growth. He said that with the increased cost of jet <br /> fuel and increased efficiency of propeller planes that the latter planes were <br /> becoming more competitive, particularly over the shorter trips (300-400 miles). <br />
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