Agenda - 07-19-1982
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 07-19-1982
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4/3/2017 3:51:47 PM
Creation date
4/3/2017 3:24:28 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1980's\1982
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` — 296 <br /> . <br /> Mr. Kizer- Cited figures based on the number of operations per plane per <br /> year, which indicated an average of an operation every two minutes; Mr. Kizer <br /> asked Mr. Matthews if an:airport with only one runway could handle that kind <br /> of traffic. <br /> Mr' Matthews. Replied in the affirmative if the airport has one runway <br /> and o parallel taxiway. He feels that some airports probably exceed that number <br /> of operations for limited periods of time and cited the Nilson airport on a Sat- <br /> urday afternoon when that airport approached 50-60 operations per hour. Mr. <br /> Matthews said the total number of operations under FAA standards would be approx- <br /> imately two times that number estimated by Midway. <br /> Mr' Kizer: Asked if Mr' Matthews could outline the advantages for private <br /> versus publioally owned airports or vice verso. <br /> Mr. Matthews: Said his Division encourage public ownership of required <br /> airport facilities by the county. When Mr. Kizer asked why, Mr' Matthews con- <br /> tinued that if the airport 1x needed, and 1s serving County requirements, i.e. <br /> economic development, and providing facilities for owner/operators in the County, <br /> it was always subject to being displaced by a more lucrative financial operation. <br /> He said that several associations, the Pilots Association was cited` had approached <br /> his Division about introducing legislation to exempt privately owned but publioally <br /> serving airports from taxes, which his Division (feeling that it was u mutter for <br /> local legislation) had declined to introduce. The reason was that the owner has <br /> to pay taxes on the airport and improvements and he may get u better deal and close <br /> down the airport. He noted that his division was currently working with eight <br /> counties across the State which were trying to replace private airports which <br /> we.e being closed down. <br /> Mr. Kizer: Noting the problem that existed with HWA, asked Nr. Matthews if <br /> there was any way to prevent development around the airport and have to reface <br /> the NJA problem restated in several years. <br /> Mr' Matthews: Said that "zoning" was "the most appropriate method." He cited <br /> ' <br /> Raleigh-Durham Airport which had Airport Districts and permitted all uses except those of <br /> ' <br /> public assembly, schools, homes, churches, hospitals. Which means that the land <br /> can be used for industrial activities, shopping centers, offices. He listed other <br /> methods: conveoant restrictions, fair disclosure ordinances, County specifically <br /> withhnlding development of water and sewer lines to the airport area, and some <br /> building restrictions on homes near airports which specify acoustical treatments, etc'/ <br />
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