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, <br /> �~?/�- <br /> port, servingmviatiun other than commercial airlines. The facilities <br /> include any runway, land urea, or other structures designed or used for <br /> landing, or taking off of small aircraft, <br /> A basic utility aircraft /-sic/ which is equivalent to the Midway pro- <br /> posal would accommodate about-9S%-of the propeller airplanes that weigh <br /> under 12,600 pounds. <br /> Mr. Cannity defined several terms which dealt with the physical layout of <br /> the airport and the air surfaces surrounding it: <br /> 1) Primary Surface--Is the actual runway itself A surface longitudin- <br /> ally centered on a runway. When the runway has a specially prepared hard <br /> surface, the primary surface extends 200 feet beyond each end of that run- <br /> way. The elevation of any point on the primary surface is the same as the <br /> elevation of the nearest point on the runway centerline. The width of a <br /> primary surface for a basic utility airport is 250 feet for runways having <br /> only visual approaches. <br /> 2) Approach Surface--A surface longitudinally centered on the extended <br /> runway entarline and extending outward and upward from each end of the <br /> primary surface. An approach surface is applied to each end of each run- <br /> way based upon the type of approach available or planned for that runway end. <br /> The inner edge of the approach surface is the same width as the primary <br /> surface and expands uniformly to a width of 2,000 feet for that end of a <br /> utility runway with a nonprocisinn instrument upproach. <br /> The approach surface extends for a horizontal distance of 6,000 feet <br /> at a slope of 20 to 1 for all utility and visual runways. The runway clear <br /> zone is an area at ground level that begins at each end of the primary <br /> surface and extends with the width of the approach surface to terminate <br /> directly where the slope reaches a height of 60 feet above the runway end <br /> -or 50 feet above the terrain. = , <br /> Mr. Cannity continued his presentation to the Boards by quoting from a <br /> letter written by Mr. Bruce Matthews, of the North Carolina Department of Trans- <br /> portation, Division of Aviation, on June 30, 1982, to Planning Director Jim <br /> Polatty. [Clerk's note: I am reproducing Mr. Matthews' letter of June 30, <br /> 1982, since Mr. Cannity quotes from it extensively:/ <br /> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> P.O.BOX 25201 <br /> wmsnB.HUNT,JR -- —RALE|GH �7G1l - DIVISION-OF w//°..oN <br /> GOVERNOR <br /> mm173x2wn <br /> mmn.noosnnow.Jn June 30, 1982 <br /> SECRETARY <br /> / ' » <br />