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457 <br /> Lp <br /> he said "The University is not free to divest itself of the property HWA is on." <br /> So he doesalt know, he said, what funds might be available should HWA close. He <br /> added that UNC is willing and has in the past expressed a willingness to work to- <br /> ward the solution of the problem. <br /> Mr. Kizer: Asked if UNC had any "long range plans for" the property HWA <br /> is on. <br /> Mr. Rutherford: "Not immediate plans, no." <br /> Mr. Kizer: Asked J.,r the University had thought of using it as part of the <br /> campus. <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Said that due to the enrollment "cap" there were no immediate <br /> plans for use as part of the campus; it was however, attractive as a "satellite <br /> campus." <br /> Mr. Kizer: Asserted that if this occurred it would almost be County "funding" <br /> of a campus for the University. "So therefore, the University would gain twofold. <br /> Would they not?" <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Replied that he didn't understand Mr. Kizer's question; <br /> Mr. Kizer repeated it for him, saying that if a private developer or someone opened <br /> up an alternative airport the University would benefit by having the land HWA is <br /> now on being freed up for other use. Mr. Rutherford: Replied that there were <br /> restrictions on the land in the "gift" convenant. That the money will revert to the <br /> State if the land is sold. "It's not a clear-cut issue...." <br /> Mr. Kizer: Said that since the University was State run, didn't it "have <br /> the powers of emminent domain surrounding HWA?" <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Said that he really didn't understand the question but that <br /> he supposed UNC had, that power. "We'd have to prove the use." <br /> Mr. Kizer: Said that the point was that when the airport was being developed <br /> the State could have used eminent domain in order to control development around <br /> their runways. <br /> Mr. Rutherford: "I can't answer that." <br /> Mr. Roger Smith, Route 1, Efland: Said there was "no doubt" a problem with <br /> HWA; but, granting a Special Use Permit to Midway was not right either. "Two wrongs <br /> don't Make a right." He said there were 60 sites approved for an airport, and many <br /> were more suitable than both HIIA and Midway. <br /> Er. Cannity submitted two letters from Peloquin Associates for the Board's <br /> information (those letters are on pages of this book). <br />