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Mr.Charles Antle: Yielded to Mr. Gordon Rutherford, <br /> Mr. Rutherford, Director of Facilities Planning for the University of North <br /> Carolina at Chapel Hill: Introduced two letters, previously introduced at the <br /> March 8, 1982, Public Hearing; one from Mr, John Temple to Mayor Nassif, dated <br /> April 17, 1981, which outlined the University's position on an alternative airport <br /> near Chapel Hill; and one from Mr. Temple to Commissioner Whitted, dated March <br /> 8, 1982; Mr. Rutherford reviewed the specifics in the letter under which the <br /> University would phase out HWA,(those letters are on pages6-19-4,1).2 of this <br /> book, respectively). Mr. Rutherford said that the University does not like being <br /> in the airport profession and the proposed project does have a potential of meeting <br /> the University's requirements for an alternative to HWA. Mr. Rutherford said, <br /> "We would emphasize the financial...viability of the airport should not be determined <br /> on the basis of the University's participation...." He cited Mr. Templets letter <br /> to Commissioner Whitted of March 8, 1982, previously introduced. He emtinued that <br /> UNC cannot commit to en alternative airport until its acceptability according to <br /> standards outlined in the letters cited; in addition the University must have fund-, <br /> ing available to enable it to move its operations to the alternative airport. F <br /> did, however, say that the University would be willing to end non University f, <br /> from the airport as soon as an alternative was available. He said that would take <br /> care of about 45 of the planes based at HWA now. He recommended serious discussion <br /> of the Special Use Permit request before the Boards. <br /> Mr. Kizer: "How many of the 50 planes does the University own?" <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Replied that the "Medical Foundation owns five." <br /> Mr. Kizer: "Five out of fifty?" <br /> Mr. Rutherford: "Yes." <br /> Mr. Kizer: Asked about the general requirement that a suitable alternative <br /> be located with,a ten miles. <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Replied that it was AHEC's criterion. <br /> Mr. Kizer: nE0es Duke University fly any of the planes; do they participate <br /> in AUG?" <br /> Mr. Ruterford: Cid not know the answer. <br /> Mr. Kizer: Asked if the University had ever discussed with the County the <br /> p3ssibility of using proceeds from the sale of HIM. <br /> Mr. Rutherford: Replied that he thought that had come up during a staff dis- <br /> cussion and Mr. Temple had responded to Commissioner Whitted in a letter. However, <br />