Agenda - 07-08-1982
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 07-08-1982
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Last modified
4/3/2017 3:30:02 PM
Creation date
4/3/2017 3:17:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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| ` � <br /> =�`*.��� <br /> 4,/J <br /> Ms. Crawford: Replied that she understood that, however, her questions really <br /> dealt with the monthly lease arrangements, etc. <br /> Mr. Northern: Said that within the partnership discussion regarding that <br /> |question was oontinuing. They did not wish to be locked into either "straight <br /> lease" or that they would "sell long term lease rights or condominium ownership <br /> of the hangar space" until they had examined the market response and to see if <br /> they could do either of the above. He added that first, they must convince all <br /> those "potential buyers" that it is a "viable project." <br /> Commissioner Gustaveson: Asked Mr' Northern if one option "could be a <br /> condominium type sale." <br /> Mr. Northern: Replied that one option could be rather than a fee simple <br /> sale, they would own their hangar space. "Correspondingly you would have to create <br /> condominium type documents that would put a burden on everyone of those units to <br /> contribute to the maintenance pro rata and the ability to enforce it,..." <br /> Commissioner Gustaveson: Asked what the projected operational costs were for <br /> a year. <br /> Mr. Northern: Responded that he does "not have that information," <br /> Mr. Cannity told the Boards that he had a copy of Mr. Plentl 's July 1, 1982, <br /> letter to Mr. Polatty; he said he had not introduced it as evidence because it <br /> was Mr. Plentl 's opinion of the Zoning Ordinance and not evidentiary. While Mr. <br /> Cannity distributed copies of the aforementioned letter, Commissioner Whitted <br /> noted that Mr. Mehler had introduced the letter as evidence. <br /> Commissioner Whitted told Mr. Fred Hazard that in checking his list of those <br /> who were sworn to give evidence, he saw that Mr. Hazard had been so sworn and <br /> asked if Mr. Hazard desired to give evidence; Mr. Hazard responded that he was <br /> available to answer questions but had no formal evidence to present. <br /> Ms. Crawford: Asked Mr. Hazard if he knew at this point what type of operation <br /> "he would be running," she specified the number of employees, construction vehicles, <br /> managers, etc. <br /> Mr. Hazard: Replied, "I don't have the slightest idea; we're looking at several <br /> models and actual performances around the State." He noted that the University <br /> had been very generous in letting him look at their operations costs and he would <br /> not feel free to discuss their specifics regarding operations and costs. He added <br /> that it was difficult to find a similar proposal around the State but Burlington <br /> Municipal was one being examined. Mr. Hazard told Commissioner Gustaveson that it <br /> did not seem to be very effective for them to go farther afield than North Carolina <br />
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