Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING DEPAIRTME NT <br /> IYU-1 SBOROUGH <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> 27278 <br /> 17 <br /> MEMO <br /> TO: Ken Thompson, Manager <br /> -FRM: Susan Smith, Planning <br /> DATE: June B. 1,982 <br /> SUBJECT: Participatory Paving Program <br /> Attached are copies of the two PPP agenda abstracts for the June 15, BOCC meet- <br /> ing. The first addresses a revision of the project Prioritization policy and <br /> the second addesses a reprioritizat ion of the projects. Staff recommendations <br /> on these two items are specified. <br /> The main concern. is that PPP projects #5 and #6 are rural roads which should <br /> never have been accepted into the Participatory Paving Program as the program <br /> was set Lip to pave subdivision and residential roads, DDT has not approved <br /> either of these projects for the Program because they are scheduled to be <br /> paved under the 1981 point system for unpaved secondary roads. <br /> From what I can estimate both rural roads would require approximately $50-- <br /> 70,000 in local ninding. Mis is double the amount of local funding required- <br /> for a- similar subdivision road project and would encumber the entire PPP <br /> appropriation for any given year if the annual appropriation' remains at $60,000. <br /> If projects #5 and #6 remain on the Orange County Program and the priority <br /> list not revised, the likely schedule for paving of the projects remaining <br /> in the Program would be the following: <br /> #1 Rangewood Subdivision 1983-84 <br /> (assuming completion of DOT Program <br /> water/sewer lines comstruction <br /> in July 1983) <br /> #2 Falls of New Hope Subdivision 1982 <br /> (ccupletion) <br /> #3 Oak Hill Road 1982 <br /> (completion) <br /> #4 Dimont Drive 1982-83 <br /> DOT Program <br />