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X.' <br /> .1C154 3 <br /> Fe <br /> CERTIFICATIONS <br /> The applicant hereby assures and certifies that: <br /> (a) it possesses legal authority to apply for the grant,and to execute the proposed program, <br /> (b) its governing body has duly adopted or passed as an official act a resolution, motion or similar action <br /> authorizing the riling of the application,including all understandings and assurances contained therein,and <br /> directing and authorizing the person Identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in <br /> connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required, <br /> (c) It has provided and will provide on a continuing basis Citizen Participation in accordance with Rule.1102 of <br /> the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Administration Rules,- <br /> (d) its chief elected official or other officer of the applicant approved by NR.CD: <br /> (1) Consents to assume the status of the"responsible Federal official"as that term is used in section 102 <br /> of the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA),section 104(f)of Title I of the Housing and Come <br /> munity Development Act of 1974, as amended, and other provisions of Federal law,as specified at 24 <br /> CFR 5E..5 which further the purposes of NEPA. <br /> (2) Is authorized and consents on behalf of the applicant and himself to accept the Jurisdiction of the <br /> Federal courts for the purpose of enforcement of his responsibilities as such an official., <br /> (3) Consents to review and commenton all Environmental Impact Statements prepared for Federal projects <br /> which may have an impact on the applicants/recipients community development program.. <br /> (4) Consents to perform all coordination functions required under 24 CFR, part 58 and 40 CFR Parts <br /> 1500-1 s0a.. <br /> (e) The Community Development Program has been developed so as to give maximum feasible priority to <br /> activities which will benefit low- and moderate-income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of <br /> slums and blight. <br /> The requirement for this certification will not preclude the NRCD from approving an application where the ! <br /> applicant certifies, and NRCD determines,that all or part of the Community Development Program activities <br /> are designed tomeet other community development needs having a particular urgency as specifically explained <br /> in the application in accordance with Section .0900 of the North Carolina Community Development Block <br /> Grant Administrative Rules. <br /> (f) It will comply with all provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(P.L 88-352)and Title Vill of <br /> the Civil Rights Act of 1968(P.L. 90.284), <br /> (g) It will comply with all provisions of Subchapter 13I..of the North Carolina Administrative Code,entitled <br /> North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Program.. <br /> (h) It will give NRCD, HUD and the Comptroller General through any authorized representatives access to and <br /> the right to examine all records,books,papers or documents related to the grant., <br /> (i) It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using positions for a purpose that is or gives the <br /> appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others,particularly those with <br /> whom they have family,business,or other ties. <br />