Orange County NC Website
! for passage of a State Bill (# 159). She feels that the "status of Aomen" is <br /> not necessary. <br /> Some Board members responded that Ms. Copeland was probably confusing the <br /> i <br /> County Commission on Women with the State's Council on the Status of Women. <br /> E. ITEMS FOR BOARD DECISION <br /> 1, Appointment of Tax Collector: Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Marshall, to appoint Mr. John Horner Orange County Tax Collector for <br /> a two year term. Vote: dyes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 2. NCACC V6iing Delegate: Commissioner Walker moved to nominate, and <br /> with no other nominations, to appoint Commissioner Gustaveson as this Board's <br /> voting delegate to the Annual NCACC Conference in August; Commissioner Marshall <br /> seconded. Vote: Dyes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 3. NCACC Resolutions: Board members suggested topics for Resolutions to <br /> be submitted by this Board for consideration at the Annual NCACC Conference to <br /> be held in August. There was a consensus to submit resolutions which addressed <br /> the following topics: That the State consider the impact on local government <br /> when it provides salary bonuses to State employees since most counties follow <br /> the State pay plan; that the tax structure be revised; and, the effects of the <br /> Federal budget cuts on County programs. <br /> 4. Child Support Enforcement Lease Agreement: Commissioner Walker moved, <br /> seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to authorize the Manager to renew the existing <br /> lease for Child Support Enforcement on the same terms and rent on a month to month <br /> basis. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 5. Old Chapel Hill Police Building Lease: Commissioner Marshall moved, <br /> seconded by Commissioner Walker, to authorize the Manager to enter into a lease <br /> with the Town of Chapel Hill for 2,900 sq. ft. , at the Old Police Building for <br /> a three year period. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 6. Suplus Property Disposal: Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Walker, to declare two items of County property surplus: a) fencing <br /> behind the Human Services Complex; and b) Dextrometer # 01700. Vote: Ayes, 4; <br /> noes, 0. <br /> 7. Legal Services for Department of Social Services: Commissioner Willhoit <br /> moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, to approve the contract for legal services <br /> with Northen, Little and Bagwell, as recommended by the Manager., Vote: Ayes, 4; <br /> noes, 0. <br />