Orange County NC Website
-2- <br /> <br />On February 7 the Mebane City Manager, the City's contractual engineer and I met <br />with CLGS staff to present a report and a proposed strategy to upgrade the Mebane <br />infrastructure, <br />On February 9, CLGS staff replied to Mebane's report and infrastructure upgrade <br />proposals with requirements that Mebane: <br />• Determine the adequacy of the remaining pumping of the Industrial Drive pumping <br />station by submitting additional wastewater flow data and projected wastewater <br />flows from the system's existing but undeveloped (vacant lots) service area to the <br />Industrial Drive pumping station; and <br />• Increase the flow carrying capacity of the portion of the gravity system where the <br />force main from the Industrial Drive pumping station discharges. <br />As the CLGS still is to provide the total requirements, the cost of the improvements that <br />may be required to satisfy CLGS as to the capacity of Mebane's infrastructure is <br />unclear„ As soon as Mebane can ascertain the total requirements, how to address <br />these and associated costs, we will let the Board know. <br />Should CLGS require that all issues with Mebane's infrastructure be resolved prior to <br />allowing wastewater from the EDD/middle school portion of the Buckhorn project to be <br />conveyed to Mebane, the ensuing process to improve that infrastructure appears to be <br />very likely to delay the completion of the County project beyond the proposed August <br />2006 opening of the middle school, This process would include determining exactly <br />what improvements will be required, designing and permitting those improvements, <br />determining funding sources and constructing the improvements, <br />There may exist a possibility in which the standard NC DENR regulatory process will <br />allow some delay in the application of the requirements to upgrade Mebane's <br />infrastructure. The Special Order of Consent (SOC) is an agreement between an entity <br />with needed infrastructure improvements and DENR regulators that allows the <br />improvements to take place over a specified time. <br />County staff continues to work with Mebane officials and CLGS staff to refine the scope <br />of required improvements to Mebane's infrastructure. At this time, the ultimate effect of <br />Mebane's infrastructure issue on the middle school utility timetable is unclear. The <br />County also may not be able to influence this issue, <br />2, Delays/Time Required in the NC Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water <br />Quality Construction Loans and Grants section Reviews <br />The CLGS staff charged with reviewing the Environmental Assessment and Engineer's <br />Report portion of the required project submittals has inexplicably delayed its already <br />lengthy review process by approximately eight weeks. <br />