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3 <br />Costs recovered through assessment shall not include the engineering design and construction observation <br />expenses in an amount up to IS% of total expenditures for a given project.. Costs recovered through <br />assessments shall not include the legal expenses in an amount up to 5% of total expenditures for a given <br />project. Any such engineering design and observation costs in excess of 15% and/or legal costs in excess <br />of 5% will be included in the summation of costs to be assessed, <br />Costs recovered through assessments shall not include off-site costs, including any easement acquisitions <br />of intervening improvements required to connect assessment projects situated within the incorporated <br />limits of Chapel Hill and Carrboro when the OWASA Board of Directors determines that (a) the off site <br />improvements are assessed to intervening benefited properties; or the cost of the off site improvements <br />aze reasonably anticipated to be recovered within the next ]0 year period through fees from service <br />connections or extensions to the proximate intervening properties; and (b) the costs of the off-site <br />improvements that are not assessed are in reasonable relationship to the costs of the assessment project <br />and funding is available in the approved Capital Improvements Budget for such off-site cost, or funds are <br />reliably available from other sources such as grants, subsidies or contributions in aid of construction from <br />private or public parties.. <br />The exclusion of off-site costs for assessment projects situated outside of incorporated areas but within <br />the Urban Service Areas of Chapel Hill and Carrboro shall be determined by the OWASA Board of <br />Directors for each such project.. <br />Exclusion of off-site costs shall not apply to assessment projects situated outside the Urban Service Area <br />of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />Off-site mains shall be defined as those sections of mains installed outside of the benefited area and are of <br />a size so as to provide service to areas other than that defined by the assessment project resolution.. <br />Upon completion of the project, property owners will be notified and a Final Assessment Roll adopted. <br />Liens against the property will be recorded as security for the amount of [he assessment. <br />Assessments may be paid without interest at any time before the expiration of thirty (30) days from the <br />date that notice of confirmation of'tlre Final Assessment Roll is published. If the assessments are not <br />paid within this time, all installments shall until paid, bear interest at a rate set by the OWASA Board in <br />the assessment proceedings until paid. In the event one or more payments of'the assessment against a <br />pazcel of property aze not made in accordance with the terms for such payment, OWASA will take action <br />under the lien to collect the money due, <br />For assessment projects, the property owner connecting within sixty (60) days of the confirmation of the <br />Final Assessment Roll may enter into a contract with OWASA to pay service availability fees for <br />connections to lines extended by an assessment project, but not service connection fees, under established <br />terms and conditions by monthly installments over the same time period and at the same interest rate as <br />established for the assessment project costs. The installation payment of service availability fees shell <br />become a part of'the monthly billing for service and nonpayment shall be subject to the same policies and <br />penalties that apply to delinquency in the payment of monthly charges for water and sewer provided by <br />OWASA. The unpaid balance shall be secured by a lien against the benefited property and personal <br />security to satisfy any outstanding balance upon sale of the property. The payment of the unpaid balance <br />shall become due upon transfer of the property, <br />For assessment projects, the residential property owners connecting within ninety (90) days of notice <br />from OWASA that the construction has been completed and service is available for active service <br />