Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> BOCC REPORT - REGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLES <br /> APRIL 4, 2017 <br /> ACCOUNT BILLING ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT <br /> Haller,Tiffany 35201327 2016 73,417 0 (1,260.32) County changed to Durham(illegal tax <br /> Oakley, David 31724553 2015 17,830 0 (328.80) County changed to Chatham(illegal tax <br /> Owens, Richard 35584284 2016 11,682 500 (180.08) Antique plate(appraisal appeal) <br /> Uzarski, Diane Maria 35961597 2016 26,101 26,101 (225.73) *Situs error(illegal tax) <br /> West, Linda 33817971 2016 40,800 40,800 (338.95) *Situs error(illegal tax) <br /> TOTAL <br /> Adjustment Descriptions <br /> Clerical error G.S. 105-381 a 1 a :e.g. when there is an actual error in mathematical calculation. <br /> Illegal tax G.S. 105-381 a 1 b:e.g. when the vehicle should have been billed in another county, an incorrect name was used,or an incorrect rate code was used. <br /> Tax levied for an illegal purpose G.S. 105-381 a 1 c:e.g. charging a tax that was later deemed to be impermissible under State law. <br /> Appraisal appeal G.S. 105-330.2 b:e.g.reduction in value due to excessive mileage or vehicle damage. <br /> r us error:An incorrect rate code was used to calculate bill. value remains constant u t bill amoun t changes due to the change in specific tax rates applied o thatphysical location. <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes. <br /> Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or <br /> refund of all associated interest, penalties,fees,and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> February 16, 2017 thru March 15, 2017 <br />