Agenda - 04-04-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-04-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-04-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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3/31/2017 8:03:30 AM
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3/31/2017 8:54:10 AM
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Minutes 04-04-2017
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11 <br /> 1 Bonnie Hammersley said financial information will be received on April 4th, and the BRT <br /> 2 plan will become available April 3. She said a public hearing could occur on April 18th. <br /> 3 Commissioner Price said the revised schedule has a time for public comment with <br /> 4 GoTriangle, and said she wants to make sure that the public gets the opportunity to be fully <br /> 5 heard. <br /> 6 Chair Dorosin said yes, both are warranted. <br /> 7 Commissioner McKee said comments by the Bishop hit him the most because it <br /> 8 demonstrated how this plan will not serve the people that need it. <br /> 9 Commissioner McKee reviewed the time timeline since November, noting that <br /> 10 GoTriangle repeatedly requested a letter from the BOCC endorsing $4 million per year for 10 <br /> 11 years to be submitted to the FTA. He said in mid January the BOCC was told that the $4 <br /> 12 million was no longer needed, and the plan was to backload Transportation Infrastructure <br /> 13 Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans. He said this communication did not actually say that <br /> 14 because there was a statement indicating that the "local fund could still be needed". <br /> 15 Commissioner McKee said GoTriangle presented the LRT to the BOCC again on <br /> 16 January 16th, but at the February 16th meeting GoTriangle was in possession of a letter from <br /> 17 FTA stating concerns, which was not disclosed to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 18 Commissioner McKee said at the same February 16th meeting, the BOCC was told that <br /> 19 June was the decision date, and now tonight the deadline April 30tH <br /> 20 Commissioner McKee asked Jeff Mann if he knew when the back loaded loans would be <br /> 21 issued. <br /> 22 Jeff Mann said that GoTriangle did tell the BOCC on February 16th about the <br /> 23 communication from FTA. <br /> 24 Commissioner McKee said he did mention this, but he did not indicate the seriousness <br /> 25 of the FTA communication. <br /> 26 Jeff Mann said the FTA communication was received that day, and it was not yet fully <br /> 27 understood by GoTriangle. <br /> 28 Commissioner McKee asked if the communication indicated a previous phone <br /> 29 discussion on February 15th <br /> 30 Jeff Mann said yes there was a conference call, where the FTA indicated a letter would <br /> 31 be following with full information on the issues. <br /> 32 Commissioner McKee asked if TIFIA could be defined, and when those loans would be <br /> 33 issued. <br /> 34 Jeff Mann said TIFIA loans come through the DOT, and would be issued in 2020 with <br /> 35 the beginning of construction. <br /> 36 Danny Rogers, GoTriangle Project Director, said these loans will be issued over the <br /> 37 construction time frame, so that debt is not taken on before it is needed. <br /> 38 Commissioner McKee asked if the original principal amount of the TIFIA loans could be <br /> 39 clarified. <br /> 40 Danny Rogers said $400 million, and he said there are other types of financing as well. <br /> 41 Commissioner McKee said the TIFIA loans will be $400 million borrowed, and asked if <br /> 42 the interest rate could be clarified. <br /> 43 Jeff Mann said 5% was in the financial model, but 3% is more likely. <br /> 44 Commissioner McKee asked if the date of the first TIFIA loan payment could be <br /> 45 identified. <br /> 46 Danny Rogers said payment is not due until after the project is completed, with the first <br /> 47 five years being interest only. He said the first payment is due in 2032. <br /> 48 Commissioner McKee asked if it is an interest payment starting in 2032, or if it is a <br /> 49 deferred interest payment. <br /> 50 Danny Rogers said the interest is delayed until the later on. <br />
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