Orange County NC Website
<br />DRAFT MEETING SUMMARY 14 <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />January 12, 2006 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Louise Tate, Mari Trosclair, Elizabeth Walters, Whit Morrow, Marty Mandell, <br />James and Patricia Wynn. <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Vickie Brown, Don Johnson <br />STAFF: Environment & Resource Conservation Director David Stancil, Preservation Planner Tina <br />Moon; Noah Ranells Agricultural Economic Specialist and Carol Melton, ERCD staff <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Chair Kleese called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Wynn requested the addition on one item regarding ways to solicit input from younger farmers. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 30, 2005 <br />Kleese entertained a motion for approval of the November meeting minutes. <br />MOTION: Wynn motioned approval of November 30, 2005 meeting minutes, Seconded by Walters. <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval. <br />ITEM #4: ITEMS FOR DECISION <br />a. Recommendation -Fickle Creek Farm Voluntary Agricultural District Application <br />Stancil reviewed the application materials and explained the remaining steps in the approval process. Members <br />noted that the application was complete and that it satisfied all the criteria required by the Voluntary Farmland <br />Protection Ordinance (VFPO). Kleese entertained a motion for a recommendation. <br />MOTION: Walters motioned approval to recommend to the County Commissioners that Fickle <br />Creek Farm be designated part of the Voluntary Agricultural District program. Seconded by Tate.. <br />VOTE: Unanimously approved. <br />Members thanked Ranells for his interest in the VAD program. <br />ITEM #5: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a, Potential Letter re: Enhanced VADs (EVADs) <br />Stancil reviewed that at a previous meeting APB members had discussed a list of the most desirable incentives <br />for a farm family.. The two key items that came up were tax reductions and relief from the legal fees associated <br />with frivolous nuisance suits.. The board asked to see the original language for Nouse Bill 607, the new legislation <br />regarding voluntary agricultural district programs, because the bill changed somewhat with regards to the way that <br />farmers handled liability issues. The APB discussed the idea of contacting Representative Faison, who <br />apparently was involved in the language changes. The APB voiced concern over this issue and felt that if a <br />farmer was sued, particularly on nuisance charges, and the courts ruled that the suit was frivolous the farmer's <br />attorney fees should be paid by the plaintiff. (The language that was removed spoke to this topic.) Staff was <br />instructed to get the original bill language and to draft a letter of concerns for the board to look at in February. <br />Walters and Mandell agreed to work with staff on this task. <br />b, Issue Paper- Farm Liability Threats from Genetically-Modified and Genetically-Engineered <br />SeedslCrops <br />At a previous meeting the APB discussed The Future of Food video and the possible impact of this topic on local <br />farmers. A small group, including some members of the APB, previewed the video before the holidays before the <br />video was formally released,° the film is now available for purchase. The film discusses issues associated with the <br />use of genetically engineered/modified crops. Mandell proposed that the APB provide information about the <br />OPAFT Ianoary l2.ZWB AO~m+llumi Pmsenallon BOaN Mecll,q Summary Page 1 of3 <br />