Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Agricultural Preservation Board <br />From: Tina Moon, Land Use/Preservation Planner <br />Date: January 5, 2006 <br />Subject: Ranells-Bergmann Voluntary Agricultural District Application <br />Copies: David Stancil, ERC Director <br />In November Noah Ranells submitted an application to include his property, Fickle Creek <br />Farm in the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) Program, As you can see from the <br />attached map and soils analysis chart, the tract is located in Bingham Township and <br />contains just under 61 acres, <br />Section V, of the Orange County Voluntary Farmland Protection Ordinance (VFPO) <br />outlines the required application procedure. Once the application is deemed complete <br />ERCD staff forwards it to the Tax Assessor and Natural Resources Conservation <br />Service to ensure that the property meets specific criteria. <br />ERCD staff received the attached memoranda from NRCS and the Tax Assessor <br />certifying the Ranells-Bergmann property as qualifying farmland, eligible to participate in <br />the VAD program. The next step in the process is for the Agricultural Preservation <br />Board (APB) to determine whether or not it wishes to recommend the application to the <br />Board of County Commissions. <br />Please review the attached materials and relevant sections of the VFPO, and be <br />prepared to consider this application for VAD status. Should the Agricultural <br />Preservation Board decide to recommend the Ranells-Bergmann property far inclusion <br />in the County's Voluntary Agricultural District program, ERCD staff will forward the <br />recommendation along with the appropriate agenda materials to the Board of County <br />Commissioners far their review and consideration.. The BOCC will make the final <br />decision to designate the property as a participating farm in the VAD program. <br />13 <br />