Orange County NC Website
ai?, <br />Affordable Housing <br />SECTION IV <br />PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT <br />The Housing and Conmmnity Development Plan for 2005-2010 for Orange County, Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Hillsborough identifies goals, priorities and output measures to address the Town's and <br />County's housing and community development needs over the next five years, Please see Attachment .3 <br />for a list of the goals approved by the governing bodies of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough and <br />Orange County. Please visit Town's or County's website to view the Plan in its entirety. <br />Please indicate how your proposed project would meet at least one of the outcome goals identified in the <br />Consolidated Plan. Also indicate Performance Measures that you will use to evaluate the success of your <br />program. Performance Measures aze specific measurable changes that you will look for and record to <br />indicate whether or not your program outcomes are being achieved. The description of Performance <br />Measures should also include the number and percent of clients that you expect to achieve the desired <br />outcome(s). <br />OUTCOME GOALS PERFORMANCE MEASURES 2006-2007 ANNUAL <br />Benefit to the community, clients, or Ot1TCOME TARGETS <br />changes in client behavior or conditions (The specific, measurable changes that you will (Number & ep rcent of <br />Select at least 1 outcome and complete look for and record to indicate whether or not clients projected to achieve <br />ALL columns for that row, your program outcomes are being achieved.,) desired chan e <br />(you may delete other rows to make <br /># u <br />/o <br />s ace <br />1. Decent and Affordable Housing <br />for Lower Income Households <br />who are homeowners that live in <br />substandard housin <br />2. Decent and Affordable Housing <br />for Lower Income Households <br />who are renters that live in <br />substandard housing <br />3. Decent and Affordable Housing <br />for Lower Income Households <br />who are homeowners that do not <br />have indoor plumbing or <br />adequate connections to existing <br />ublic sewers stems <br />4. Decent and Affordable Housing <br />for Lower Income Households <br />who are renters that are potential <br />homebu ers <br />5. Provide Housing and Services <br />for Populations with Special <br />Needs; Service enriched <br />transitional housing for homeless <br />ersons with s ecial needs <br />