Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />Affordable Housing <br />Infrastructure and Public Facilities (attach maps to il]ustrate information below) <br />^ How many households will have direct access to improved infrastructure: <br />^ How many vacant lots will be provided with water/sewer availability: <br />^ How many persons will have improved transportation accessibility: <br />II.F. Project Team. <br />Identify the project team byname, 'off b title, and employment status (employee, independent <br />contractor, or volunteer), and describe each person's relevant experience and specific <br />responsibilities in this project. If the team is not yet assembled, please describe how you will <br />select them. <br />For Rehabilitation projects only: List all project staff who have completed training in Lead Safe <br />Work Practices (with date) or have any more extensive training in Lead Based Paint hazard <br />control. <br />II.G. Timetable. <br />Timetable. <br />Please complete a detailed and realistic timetable showing when each work task will be completed <br />(e.g planning, obtaining financing commitments, design, environmental review, bidding, loan <br />closing, key milestones in construction, marketing, final inspection, occupancy, etc.). The larger <br />the project, the more detail we expect to see. If requesting Community Development funds, <br />your timetable must reflect an expectation of starting construction or expending a significant <br />amount of funding before Apri1.30, 2007, and of completing the project by December 2007, <br />and for HOME funds by June 30, 2008. <br />to <br />