Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />Affordable Housing <br />SECTION II <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <br />ILA, Program Title: <br />II.B. Program Location(s) (be as specific as possible): <br />II.C. Type of Activity (check one): <br />^ New construction for Homeownership <br />^ Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation <br />^ Acquisition (for rental or homeownership) <br />^ Public Facility or Improvement <br />Infrastructure Construction /Improvement <br />^ Emergency Home Repair <br />^Other (Specify) <br />New Construction for Rental <br />^ Rental Rehabilitation <br />^ Predevelopment Costs <br />^ Tenant Based Rental Assistance <br />^ Homeownership / Downpayment Assistance <br />^ Pre-development Costs <br />II.D. Short Description. Please provide one or two sentences stating the number and type of housing <br />or other units expected to result from this project and the tazgeted client group. State both total number of <br />units in project and number to be assisted with CDBG/HOME funds (e.g. "New corrstructior: of 5 orre- <br />bedroonr aparhnents for rent to developmentally disabled adults,- all rants to be HOME-assisted ") <br />II.E Project Description, Please attach a detailed narrative description of the project, addressing all <br />of the following questions. Please check each box below, to show that you have addressed the <br />question, and insert information directly in blanks. Where the question is not applicable or no <br />information is available, insert N/A. <br />Site <br />^ General location map showing development site in relation to streets and points of interest in the <br />surrounding neighborhood (at Least''/z mile radius). Waterways and railroads must be shown, <br />^ Site map showing lot boundaries, street access, location of structure(s), and other site features. <br />Pictures of the site are encouraged <br />^ Size of development site: acres <br />^ Current site zoning and the status of any required planning reviews,. <br />^ Site control: If you already own the site or property, submit a copy of the deed and describe all <br />existing liens or deeds of trust on the properly. If the site is currently under an option agreement, <br />submit a copy of the option and purchase agreement. <br />