Orange County NC Website
iz <br />crease the quantity and quality of affordable housing; and help low to moderate-income resi- <br />dents acquire needed information, knowledge and skills to improve their employment opportuni- <br />ties. <br />The anti-poverty strategy is the unifying thread that ties the housing, homeless, public housing <br />and non-housing community development strategies together as one comprehensive plan for <br />reducing the number of families that fall below the poverty level. The strategic plan, goals and <br />objectives noted throughout this part pro mote self-sufficiency and empowerment. <br />Annual Action Plan <br />The following tables show the proposed sources and uses of funding available to Orange <br />County for the fiscal year 2005-2006 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel- <br />opment. More detailed descriptions are provided in the Annual Plan portion of this document. <br />Fiscal Year 20D5.2D06 Fundin 'i <br />Source of Funds Amount <br />Community Development Block Grant $685,997 <br />HOME Investment Partnership Program $707,949 ', <br />HOME Matching Funds $159,287 I <br />HOME Residual Funds $111,660 '' <br />Total $1,664,893 <br />[12] <br />