Orange County NC Website
ii <br /> - Partner v~ilh other funding agencies to encourage the development of transitional housing (SRO's, <br /> group homes) that isservice-enriched <br /> - Continue to strengthen partnership with local service providers <br /> - Support applications for federal supportive housing funds <br /> - Provide property acquisition funding to eligible non-profits and for-profits to develop permanent <br /> housin for those with s ecial needs <br />Output Indicators: - 20 additional permanent housing units for those with special needs (Orange County) <br /> Provide communi services to 100 area outh Cha el Hill <br />Goa13 -Promote Neichborhood and Economic Development <br />Priority 3.1-Promote revitalization in selected Chapel Hill neighborhoods and economic development in general throughout fhe <br />Count <br />Strategies: - Strengthen partnerships with neighborhood associations (community pride, education, family ser- <br /> vices, etc ) <br /> Work with neighborhoods to design and implement specific beautification strategies, including <br /> neighborhood cleanups <br /> - Promote recreational opportunities for area youth <br /> - Prioritize one to two neighborhoods located in Chapel Hill and develop revitalization plans accord- <br /> ingly <br /> - Concentrate Town funding in selected neighborhoods to create maximum impact. Programs may <br /> include redevelopment activities, CHDO Development-Inf II and various rehabilitation programs. <br /> - Build community capacity and better coordinate neighborhood services through the regular dissemi- <br /> nation of information. Examples may include Community Development Day workshops, self-help <br /> workshops, activity updates, etc <br /> - Continue to work v~ith area Chambers of Commerce and others to promote the economic develop- <br /> ment ofthe community <br /> - Coordinate effort of various Town departments to concentrate resources into selected neighbor- <br /> hoods <br />Output Indicators: Development of a small area plan for the Rogers Road Neighborhood and a Neighborhood Conser- <br /> vation Distdct for the Pine Knolls neighborhood (chapel Hill) <br /> Promote coun wide artnershi s chat are dedicated to the economic develo ment of the Coun <br />Anti-Poverty Strategy <br />The 2000 Census reported that 15,318 people in Orange County (14.1%) had incomes below <br />the poverty level-an increase of 3,576 people since 1990. In addition to their housing prob- <br />lems, they often have other social service needs. They face a variety of problems that prevent <br />them from improving their economic situation, escaping poverty and obtaining adequate and <br />affordable housing. <br />Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill have targeted significant CDBG and HOME re- <br />sources within core low-income areas to execute its anti-poverty strategies, These resources <br />will act as catalysts to invite additional public and private investment of capital and services; in- <br />[11] <br />