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7 <br />3. Obligations of the Recipient. The recipient shall perform the program as specified <br />in the application approved by DOC, The recipient shall comply with the <br />certification pursuant to Paragraph (e) of Rule .0407 of the North Carolina <br />Community Development Block Grant Administrative Rules, 4 NCAC 19L, The <br />recipient shall also comply with all other lawful requirements of DOC, all applicable <br />requirements of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina and any other <br />applicable laws and Executive Orders currently or hereafter in force. <br />3, Obligations of Recipient with Respect to Certain Third Party Relationships. DOC <br />shall hold the recipient responsible for complying with the provisions of this <br />agreement even when the recipient designates a turd party or parties to undertake all <br />or any pazt of the program. The recipient shall comply with all lawful requirements <br />of DOC necessary to insure that the program is carried out in accordance with the <br />recipient's certifications including the certification of asswnption of environmental <br />responsibilities under Rule .1004 of the North Cazolina Community Development <br />Block Grant Administrative Rules, 4 NCAC 19L. If the recipient contracts with or <br />designates a third party to mrdertalce all or part of the program in exchange for a <br />grant or loans from the recipient to the turd party of all, or a portion, of the <br />recipient's grant funds, the recipient's contract with the third party must require the <br />turd party to comply wide the procurement standards set forth in 4 N. C. <br />Administrative Code 19L .0908, <br />4. Conflict of Interest. None of the following or their immediate family members, <br />druing the tenure of the subject person or for one year thereafter, shall have any <br />direct or indirect finuicial interest in any contract, subcontract or the proceeds <br />thereof for work to be performed in connection with the progrann assisted under this <br />agreement: employees or agents of the recipient who exercise any function or <br />responsibility with respect to the program, and officials of the recipient, including <br />members of the governing body. The same prohibition shall be incorporated in all <br />such contracts or subcontracts. <br />The assistance provided under this agreement shall not be used in the payment of <br />any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining DOC approval of the <br />application for such assistance, or DOC approval of applications for additional <br />assistance, or any other approval or concurrence of DOC required under tlis <br />agreement, or the North Cazolina Community Development Block Grant <br />Administrative Rules, with respect thereto; provided, however, that reasonable fees <br />or bona fide tecluical, consultant, managerial or other such services, other than <br />actual solicitation, aze not prohibited if otherwise eligible as program costs. <br />5. Reimbursement to DOC for Improper Expenditures. The recipient will reimburse <br />DOC for any amount of grant assistance improperly expended, <br />6. Access to Records. The recipient shall provide any duly authorized representative <br />of DOC, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (I-IUD), and <br />the Comptroller General at all reasonable times access to and the right to inspect, <br />copy, monitor, and exunine all of the books, papers, records, and other docmnents <br />relating to the grant for a period of five years following the completion of all close- <br />orrt procedures. <br />2 <br />