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U \ U80 <br /> stored outside and it wasn't possible to store the equipment inside a building, <br /> Dan Collins--Route 3, Hillsborough—Spoke in favor of the rezoning request. <br /> He said Mr, Nilkersun's business had been there for years. <br /> Jim Polatty--Told the Boards that all the outside storage had been con- <br /> sidered in the rezoning and was included in the rezoning request for Mr, Wilkerson's <br /> property. <br /> Ms. Crawford askeq that the Planning Department recheck this question. <br /> There were none who opposed the rezoning request who spoke. <br /> Mr. Merritt asked to clarify a point on his request to rezone from <br /> Residential-1 to Neighborhood Commercial-II. He said the parcel was 4'17 acres <br /> and he was only requesting rezoning of 1 acre. <br /> 2, WATER RESOURCES TASK FORCE/OTHER AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE & <br /> TEXT. <br /> Mr. Fred Luce, Planning Staff, addressed the water quality remarks <br /> contained in the Water Resources Task Force Report. He noted a potentially <br /> similar situation to the Mississippi River pollution existed in our area with <br /> the drainage of the Haw River into the Jordan Lake. He cited four classes of <br /> pollutants and noted that the How drained a heavily urbanized industrialized <br /> area into the Jordan Lake. He said the Water Resources Task Force Report <br /> found that water quality generally was of good quality in Orange County and one <br /> of the goals is to divert detrimental development from the watersheds and to <br /> place controls on the development that does occur in the watersheds to insure <br /> good water for future generations. <br /> Ms. Susan Smith, Planning Staff, reviewed the seventeen recommendations <br /> contained the the Water Resources Task Force Report and noted the changes, if <br /> any in each. <br /> Mr. Polatty explained the other amendments suggested for the Zoning Ord- <br /> inance Text. (All suggested amendments and the recommendations of the Water <br /> Resources Task Force Report are on pages of this book.) Mr. Polatty <br /> cited a study done by the Center for Urban and Regional Studies in Chapel Hill , <br /> noting some of the lessons learned from eight case studies around the country <br /> regarding water supplies' <br /> Ms. Crawford called for public comments on the zoning text amendments. <br /> Josephine Barbour--Raised several points of contention. She voiced her <br /> concern over public access of the greenways; questioned the definition of a water- <br /> , <br />