Orange County NC Website
6. Height limits at the edge of 10-H 6. Height limitation. Maximum height <br /> districts shall be as set forth in limits will be met by all structures <br /> Articles 5 and Articles 6. in this development. <br /> 7. Signs visible from outside the dis- 7. Al]. signs for this project shall be <br /> trict shall be according to Article in accordance with Article 9. <br /> 9. <br /> b) Internal Relationships. <br /> The site plan shall provide for safe, <br /> efficient, convenient and harmonious <br /> groupings of structures, uses and fa- <br /> cilities, and for preservation of de- <br /> sirable natural feacutes and minimum <br /> disturbance of natural topography. <br /> 1. Streets, drives and parking. 1. Streets, drives and parking. The <br /> Streets and drives shall provide proposed street pattern provides ade- <br /> safe, and convenient access to quate internal circulation. The pro- <br /> units and other facilities, posed parking layout calls for pare].- <br /> Streets shall discourage through lel parking along both sides of every <br /> traffic and blocks shall be laid street. The imposed conditions that <br /> out to maximize efficient use of follow address to several points <br /> the property, about access and parking. <br /> 2. Vehicular_ access to streets shall 2. Vehicular access to streets shall be <br /> be limited and controlled. If the limited and contrelled. The site <br /> street serves less than 50 units plan with the proposed parking' layout <br /> parking can be directly off the can cause friction between the park- <br /> street. ing, the circulation of vehicles and <br /> pedestrians. <br /> If the street serves more than <br /> 50 units parking shall be from <br /> controlled points. This mini- <br /> mizes traffic problems. <br /> 3. Ways for pedestrians and cyclists 3. Wa s for pedestrians and c clists. <br /> walkways shall form a safe logi- There are no pedestrian circulation <br /> cal and convenient system for pe- ways indicated other than the Streets <br /> destrian access to all units, pro- themselves. Further discussion of <br /> ject facilities and any principal these points is contained in the in- <br /> off site destinations, posed conditions which follow. <br /> 4. Protection of visibility for auto- 4. Protection of visibilit for motor <br /> mobile traffic, cyclists and pe- vehicles, pedestrians and c clists. <br /> destrians. Visibility protection All three will be using the same cir- <br /> shall be as set forth in Section culation system with possible conflicts. <br /> 7.14.3 (b) 3 above. Further discussion of this point is <br /> contained in the imposed condition <br /> which follow. <br /> 28 <br />