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8.8.23 Planned Developments <br /> Additional Information This refers to the standards <br /> set forth in Article 7 Planned Development. <br /> In addition to the information re- <br /> quired in Subsections 8.2 and 8.8, <br /> information shall be supplied as <br /> part of the application as per <br /> applicable requirements of <br /> Article 7. <br /> Article 7 Planned Develo.ment Districts <br /> 7.4.1 Relationship Of Planned Dave!- 7.4.1 Relationship of this project to <br /> ment to Major Transportation Facili- major transportation facilities. (See <br /> ties. <br /> 8.2.4 c above) <br /> Requires that Planned Developments <br /> make use of major roads for access; <br /> and public transportation facilities <br /> available. <br /> 7.4.2 Relationship of Planned De- 7.4.2 Relationship to Public Utilities, <br /> velopment to Public Utilities, Fa- Facilities, and Services. (See 8.2.4 a <br /> cilities, and Services. above) <br /> Requires that Planned Developments <br /> make use of existing utility systems <br /> and not require the public extension <br /> of such systems. It also requires <br /> that the Planned Development make use <br /> of public transportation if available. <br /> 7.4.3 Physical Character of the Site; 7.4.3 Phycical Character of the Site; <br /> Relation to Surrounding Property. Relation to Surrounding Property. <br /> The Site shall be suitable for the type The site is sloping from the south to <br /> development proposed and be free from the north; it has been timbered within <br /> adverse natural impacts, the last few years and there are few <br /> years and there are few remaining large <br /> trees. <br /> The site does not present problems for <br /> the development as proposed, <br /> surrounding this site on two sides are <br /> an existing interstate highway and a <br /> proposed interstate. Immediately ad- <br /> jacent on the other two sides are un- <br /> developed tracts. There are several <br /> single family dwellings nearby. Cates <br /> Farm Apartments are north of this pro- <br /> ject. <br /> 26 <br />